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Magnetized High-end Beard Brush “Master” Set. The “ULTIMATE BRUSH” is a 3-in-1 brush set. Includes:

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Your Sales Price $75.00 - $63.75

Compact Mirror: All sets include a compact mirror, which also serves as the brush’s lid, adding an extra level of convenience for grooming while traveling or on the move. (Remove Plastic Film from mirror before use.)
Customization: The ability to customize and interchange brush and comb components allows users to tailor the set to their preferences and needs. Additional Componenent come with the “Pro Set” and all available components come with “Master Set” Including a bonus “Storage Compartment.”
Adaptability: It is suitable for various hair and beard textures, ensuring it can be used effectively by a wide range of individuals.
Portability: The product is highly portable, making it convenient for grooming on the go.
Versatility: This brush set is designed to meet the diverse grooming needs of men, whether they have a thick or smooth beard, long or short head hair, or facial hair.

Price effective as of Mar 31, 2024 15:00:21 UTC

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