The Giza Power Plant : Technologies of Ancient Egypt

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Customers find the book informative and well-researched. They describe it as an amazing, mind-blowing read about advanced technology. The writing style is described as captivating and hard to put down. Readers mention that the book holds the key to endless renewable energy. However, opinions differ on the engineering aspect – some find it well-put together from an engineering perspective, while others consider it very technical.

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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:

Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance, claims renowned master craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn. In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device! By its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth’s vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid’s numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities. This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy needs.

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: gnosisguy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: THE GREAT PYRAMID AS A MACHINE! Chris Dunn delivers a convincing argument.
Review: First; a brief comment about another reviewer. I was looking over some of the old reviews before publishing mine, and out of curiosity I read a ‘One-Star’ review that was particularly harsh (not to mention lengthy) on Mr. Dunn’s work. What I find most disturbing is the fact that it was written by the co-author (Marge Morris) of ‘The Pyramids an Enigma Solved.” This is a book that I have read and found to be intellectually stimulating, well written and relevant. What I find most distasteful is the fact that this fellow researcher and author, would use this forum to dismiss Mr. Dunn’s hard work and research, and then go to great length to promote hers. I would like to believe (since we are all striving to better understand the mysteries of the ancient world), that there is room for more than one theory. Particularly when we are dealing with something as enigmatic and controversial as this subject appears to be. I am sure that Mr. Dunn has had to develop a thick skin over the ensuing years, due to the provocative and novel, leading edge ideas he has posited.Even though her particular review was written many years ago. it is still no less than small-minded, self-promoting, and above all unnecessary.Okay (now that I have that off my chest); this book was published in 1998 and I didn’t get around to reading it until 2012, which means I’m a bit behind the ‘Power’ curve (pun not withstanding), yet as they say “better late than never.” I’m so glad this book finally came to my attention and that I took the time to read it. That may have been due to seeing Mr. Dunn on the History channel being interviewed for the show “Ancient Aliens” (a popular show with an unfortunate name that implies everything has something to do with aliens, which I question but do not dismiss completely; I just think there are perhaps other alternatives?). I have also heard Mr. Dunn’s interviews on the Coast to Coast late night talk show as well as ‘youtube’ videos of his presentations and have always found him to be intelligent, forthright and sensible. I would be remiss if I did not add that other theories aside, his appears to bring us much closer to some ultimate understanding of what this mighty edifice of precision engineered stone is all about.I have had the good fortune to have actually taken the tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, as a serving member of the USAF back in the mid-nineties. It left indelible impressions on me, and my regret is that as a young man I did not have the understanding or appreciation of Egyptian culture and her monuments, that I now have some twenty years later, after much reading and research on the subject. Back then my understanding of Egypt and her history was based on what I had seen in movies or on TV. Having made that clear, I very well remember walking (more like a stooped crouch as I recall) awkwardly up the ascending corridor and wondering why was it necessary to have a makeshift wooden ramp with cross-members to help tourists and the general public safely ascend to the Grand Gallery; could not the architects have incorporated stairs? Although I did not dwell on such a trivial (to some) issue at the time (due to the overwhelming sensory input akin to a child exploring a mysterious place for the first time), however I was subliminally aware that something was amiss; something did not add up?I was further baffled by the strange configuration of the Grand Gallery, with its odd architecture of corbelled sides rising up and towards each other for some inherent, and yet occluded purpose? Still believing what I had always been told; that this great mountain of stone was built with the sole purpose as a pharaoh’s tomb. Upon gaining access to the so-called “Kings Chamber” with its much abused “sarcophagus” (?), I was startled to find that the walls (of which are perfectly flat and squared at the corners) were oddly devoid of any markings? Save for the questionable markings of red ochre paint attributed to the builders (this was unknown to me at the time) who in the manner of ‘graffiti’ painted the name of their pharaoh who supposedly commissioned this monument for his burial place. These suspect markings were”allegedly” found by one Col. Vyse in 1837, in the (so called) “relieving chambers” directly above the Kings Chamber; which had to be blasted open with gunpowder, no less!There was (is) absolutely no sign of hieroglyphics to be found anywhere else within this immense structure! This from a culture known to cover its monuments and funerary walls with numerous hieroglyphs in honor of deeds accomplished, feats to be remembered, as well as praise for their ‘god-like’ pharaohs, and with great detail. And yet nothing of the sort is found here; nothing save perfection in stone; stone which feels and looks much older than the attributed 4th dynasty origins (circa 2500 B.C.).Perhaps the author himself said it best when he wrote; “I was astonished and could find no logical resemblance to any feature one would find in a building constructed for human activity.”It does make one wonder, if the Great Pyramid was not built for human activity (alive or deceased), than just what the heck was this monumental undertaking designed to do? This is exactly What Chris Dunn, a master craftsman and engineer dares to answer in his ground-breaking and paradigm shifting treatise, which posits no less than the unthinkable; that this mountain of precision engineered stone just might have been designed to “machine tolerances” beyond anything reasonable in the architecture of “HUMAN” habitats or structures, to function as a MACHINE! Or more specifically a “Power Plant,” (the functioning details are found in his book).Let’s review what has come to light in the last several decades:1. The thee main pyramids of Giza, are aligned to the three bright stars of Orion’ belt; thanks to Robert Bauval and his “Orion Correlation Theory.”2. The Great Pyramid has been called “The Bible in Stone” by some, due to its antiquity (pre or post deluge?) and the esoteric knowledge built into it by its creators.3. The three main pyramids as well as the Great Sphinx were intended as a set of monuments coeval with an unknown yet interconnected purpose.4. The Sphinx at Giza is far older than previously thought, as evidenced by the “water erosion” apparent on its (un-refurbished) sides as shown by Dr. Robert Schoch; (which would suggest coeval antiquity of the Giza complex as a whole).5. The exterior dimensions of the Great Pyramid show that the builders had knowledge of the circumference of the Earth, our distance from the Sun, as well as the precession of the equinox(s), with its 26,000 year duration , which the ancients called the “Great Year.”6. The interior design of the Great Pyramid is unusual, enigmatic and serves no (known) human function imaginable, based on our understanding of architectural science for the human species.7. The (so-called) architectual “Relieving Chambers” layered above the (so-called) “Kings Chamber” (named from the Arabic perspective); are in fact “Relieving” what exactly? The massive weight from above? And yet considering that this chamber is several courses above the (so-called) “Queens Chamber – situated well below it, for which the architects saw no need for “relieving chambers,” even though there must be millions of additional tons of stone above it? Clearly these spaced and layered chambers above the ‘KC’ had another function; (of which Mr. Dunn has an interesting idea that has to do with resonance as I recall).8. No mummified remains of anyone were ever found in the Great Pyramid. And as for the others it is my understanding that any found were from much later periods and in the best tradition of “re-purposing” an already existing monument!9. Contrary to what mainstream Egyptologists would have us believe, Khufu (Gr. Cheops) did not have this pyramid built, but rather inherited it intact, as a legacy structure form a former age, just as the stele found between the paws of the Sphinx has implied.10. The so-named “Gang of Khufu” did not write his name with red ochre paint in the crawlspace of one of the relieving chambers; this was a fraud perpetrated by a glory-hound and fund seeking explorer “wannabe” of Egyptian antiquities; who has been characterized as the “Black sheep” of his family. We find Colonel Vyse, along with his cohort(s) in crime, who accomplished this heinous act of fraud after blasting his way into a sealed cavity, in 1837. This outrageous act of fraud has ‘mucked-up’ our understanding of these monuments to this very day, IMHO. (See the late authors Z. Sitchin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” Chapter entitled “Forging the Pharaoh’s Name.” Also The late Phillip Coppens, “Murder and forgery inside the Great Pyramid?” As found online; both provide in-depth perspective on this travesty).The ten items offered above, are but the tip of a vast iceberg of information concerning this subject; the list of incongruous anomalies and found revelations, could go on for several pages. And now we must add the very real possibility that a primary function of this last existing ‘wonder of the ancient world’, may have been a cleverly designed source of (free) power or energy as well? It is exciting and boggles the mind, but don’t expect mainstream, conventional Egyptology to climb on board any of this any time soon. They are content to believe the lie about Khufu. They are loath to admit that Victorian era antiquarians may have mislead those extant institutions of higher learning for fame and profit. A legacy that muddles the picture and hampers a fresh perspective.For me personally, after all the books I’ve read on this particular subject; I have come to the conclusion that we are dealing with something far older than we dare imagine. A multi-faceted and purpose built structure, designed by a culture seemingly far brighter than we think we are. A structure (including others on the Giza plateau) that are so ‘hoary with age’ that they were inherited and, Here’s the key, “repurposed” over time by younger civilizations who had forgotten the true genesis of these structures, or who the original builders might have been? These later cultures tried their best to copy these pyramids, and mostly failed to execute such lasting edifices. Hopefully one day we will learn who really built these Giza pyramids, we may never fully comprehend how. For as advanced as we “think” we are, those answers still elude us.In my mind the notion of a “Power Plant” built with machine precision, is not too much of a stretch of ones imagination. Even if this isn’t the case, and its intended or inherent purpose was something else altogether; I think many would agree that the Great Pyramid is of a much older provenance, regardless of what mainstream Egyptology (including a shady character named Zawi Hawass) would have us believe. As for Khufu (aka Cheops) being the commissioning pharaoh of this massive and enigmatic undertaking; there is very little, if not suspect or contradictory evidence that he was indeed the guy that said “let it be built.” However the evidence (if one is open to it) would suggest that Khufu did, in fact “inherit” the Great Pyramid, which to my thinking is much more plausible.Mind you this was a culture who venerated their esteemed pharaohs with cyclopean statues and yet we find but just one statue of Khufu (now in the Cairo museum) which stands a mighty 3 inches tall! Yeah that makes sense; are we to believe he used up all his “pharaoh monument points” on the Great Pyramid? Sure, that must be what happened. I can just see Biff thumping on Marty’s dad’s head now, as he shouts; “Wake Up Mcfly!”Perhaps we are the ones that need to “Wake UP” to the true heritage and legacy of our ancient ancestors. Taken collectively, all the cyclopean, monolithic and enigmatic stone structures found all over this planet, it is increasingly clear that we are missing something profound and wondrous about our very ancient, and un-doubtfully ‘pre-cataclysmic’ past.Read Mr. Dunn’s book and decide for yourself. I think you will find that his thesis is very credible, extremely astute and helps to explain some very unusual design features within this enigmatic structure. His book is well written, captivating and hard to put down.

Reviewer: GMW
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Highly Informative!
Review: So much informative information! After reading about Mr. Dunn’s research, I cannot listen to mainstream archeology tell me anything other than it was an ancient power house, or something even greater. It was mind-blowing to read about such an advanced technology , which was probably even more profound than we give credit. Excellent read, but not in the sense of entertaining, but strictly technological.

Reviewer: IronMike
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: This book may hold the key to endless renewable energy — and the future of mankind.
Review: This book is well worth reading for anyone who has ever asked, “How did they build the Pyramids” or “If the Egyptians built the Great Pyramids, how did they forget how to do it?”. Using layman terms, Mr. Dunn takes the reader on a journey that he, himself, traveled over a 20-year period for answers. During his research, Mr. Dunn discovers information and artifacts that cannot be replicated without the use of advanced technology, and cannot be explained by Egyptologist. Many of these artifacts had been hidden from public view for many years.Questions Mr. Dunn attempts to answer in his book are those such as “in a time before iron or steel, how were granite blocks cut with such precision?” and “what were the suspended granite monoliths above the kings chamber for, and what broke them?”.In the past, all questions about the pyramids were taken to the Egyptian curators. The problem being that these experts are students of passed down historical information — of which many of the answers passed down were from fairly recent explorers that were guessing as to the nature and purpose of the artifacts, not scientists or engineers using empirical data.Mr. Dunn has exposed, recorded and categorized unexplainable information and artifacts relating to the pyramids that has been ignored, dismissed, or hidden by Egyptologist. Then using a novel approach for getting answers to these questions about the pyramids, Mr. Dunn took the anomalous information and/or artifacts to technological experts (scientists, engineers, academia, and tradesmen) to find an answer to the simplest way of reproducing the artifact, or explaining the anomaly.In many cases, Mr. Dunn found that it would take advanced technology, even by today’s standards, to replicate the artifacts. He also found that conventional explanations given by Egyptologists regarding anomalous information to be frequently inaccurate and not plausible, and that there were simpler scientific explanations. In other cases, many of the technological marvels of the pyramids cannot be explained by the technological experts or reproduced with the finest and most advanced technology today.Based on the answers given by experts in their field from around the world, Mr. Dunn is able to establish a body of evidence that substantiates his claim that the Great Pyramid could not have been built by masses wielding only copper chisels and stone hammers to produce such a magnificent engineering colossus. Precise measurements and empirical data, along with expert testimony, drove Mr. Dunn to an obvious conclusion that not even he expected.I have read this book, many times, and being from Missouri, have tried to pick it apart — I have been unsuccessful. The evidence presented in this work is concise and accurate. Against popular opinion and conventional wisdom, Mr. Dunn is open-minded and has the curiosity, persistence, and tenacity to search for the truth without regard to negative peer-pressure, harassment, and even putting his own reputation at stake in presenting his evidence.I have read the very negative and lengthy review that suggest the use of geopolymers as opposed to Mr. Dunn`s hypothesis. This review attacks the integrity of Mr. Dunn and the validity of his work. This author of the negative review ignores the fact that the purpose of a book review is to provide an accurate appraisal of the books merit, content, readability, and plausibility.Normally when discrediting a scientific or engineering theory or hypothesis, once shows that the methods used to draw conclusion were flawed — testing done improperly, results cannot be replicated, or the evidence manipulated. In this case, the negative review fails to take into consideration that Mr. Dunn did use the proper scientific methods to build a body of evidence that allowed him to draw plausible conclusions. The tone of the negative review is unscientific in nature while the attempt to discredit Mr. Dunn’s work is based on an unsubstantiated alternative hypothesis.It appears to me that the author of that negative review does not understand the scientific method and has a second addenda unrelated to Mr. Dunn’s effort. I took the time to look at all of the reviews written by the author of this negative review. I found that in every case, all of the reviews ever written by this person were negative, and that she has always given any book she is reviewing only one star. I feel this fact alone negates the credibility of a negative review against the work of Mr. Dunn.I therefore submit, as a scientist and engineer, that if you are an open minded individual in the pursuit of plausible theories that describe possibilities for the construction and purpose of the Great Pyramid that is gaining acceptance in the scientific community, that you should read this book and judge the validity of Mr. Dunn’s methods and theories for yourself — without bias…Warmest regards,Mike

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I have worked in a closely related field to Christopher Dunn and I am very impressed with his research and the detail he has collected. He has managed to account for many details that traditional Egyptologists are confused by.. It was a fascinating read. Most of the theories he has purposed are very well constructed, presented and convincing. He says himself that the ultimate use of the power that would flow from the structure is a mater of conjecture. His conjecture is good but there are also other possibilities. Overall a very interesting and thought stimulating read, I would highly recommend this book to anyone with a background or interest in the physical sciences.

Reviewer: Giuseppe
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Quando si parla di Antico Egitto le teorie “alternative” sono veramente infinite e quindi occorre fare una severa scrematura alla fonte, perché l’alieno e i dischi volanti sono sempre facili da inserire…Tra le tante teorie, scartando quindi quelle basate su postulati risibili e infondati e che affondano le loro basi solo sulla fantasia più sfrenata, quella che ha catturato la mia attenzione e che merita comunque di essere valutata, è quella di Christopher Dunn.Dunn ha fatto un lavoro molto meticoloso, onesto e preciso, che gli è costato anni ed anni di ricerche specialistiche, fornendoci così una indagine molto accurata che sicuramente apre il raggio delle ipotesi verso nuove ed interessanti possibilità.Sicuramente l’approccio metodologico di Dunn merita rispetto e attenzione.Purtroppo tutte le pubblicazioni e le conferenze di Christopher Dunn non sono tradotte in italiano, ma se masticate un po’ di inglese troverete molti spunti interessanti anche per una ricerca personale…

Reviewer: Howard Crowhurst
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Le ton est donné dans le titre. Mettez de côté tout ce que croyez savoir sur la grande pyramide et ouvrez votre esprit aux arguments de Christopher Dunn, pour qui cet ouvrage n’as rien a voir avec une tombe. Ce n’est pas un livre délirant, anti-establishment par un homme frustré, mais une étude détaillée par un ingénieur de haut niveau sur une construction, il faut l’avouer, énigmatique. N’ayez pas peur, ce n’est pas ultra complexe et est à la portée de tous. À lire!

Reviewer: Anonymous reader
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Very interesting explanation about the construction and past use of this amazing buildings.

Reviewer: Francesc Albert
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: The writer explain all the engineering analysis until arriving to the theory of the Giza Pyramid as a Power Plant.I’m not engineering and I’ve never been in Egypt, but I have analytical sense and, taking into account the researches of archeologists and the engineers consulted by the writer, it is a well ploted history/theory.I finished the book and I’m very satisfied about the theory of the writer.Well written and exposed!But overall, if the reader believe all that the writer has written…that fact will trasport the reader to ask himself a lot of questions about the history of humanity as it has been explained nowadays.It is a book for awake minds!

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