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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
The invitation to photograph the nation’s parklands was the perfect assignment for Adams, as it allowed him to express his deepest convictions as artist, conservationist, and citizen. These stunning photographs of the natural geysers and terraces in Yellowstone, the rocks and ravines in the Grand Canyon, the winding rivers and majestic mountains in Glacier and Grand Teton national parks, the mysterious Carlsbad Caverns, the architecture of ancient Indian villages, and many other evocative views of the American West demonstrate the genius of Adams’ technical and aesthetic inventiveness.
In these glorious, seminal images we see the inspired reverence for the wilderness that has made Ansel Adams’ work an enduring influence on environmentalism as well as art.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: P. Gruhn
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Classic Ansel Adams book
Review: Any book with Ansel Adams images is a must have – this book focusing on the National parks is a key text for the landscape artist and/or photographer. The image quality is excellent. The images are examples of what great composition is. This book will help you develop how to see landscapes and try your artistic eye to improve.
Reviewer: Werner Fischer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great Read and Photos
Review: Ansel Adams is a legend! Did a project on him in high school for photography class and loved his photos ever since.
Reviewer: Molly R.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Must have
Review: Great addition to our photo book collection!
Reviewer: Michael C. White
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fantastic book
Review: Great book with wonderful descriptions of the photos
Reviewer: Wen
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Beautiful Ansel Adams Photography, 10 by 9 inches
Review: I bought this as a present for a friend. I wasn’t sure what dimensions the book will come in and was happily suprised that it was big enough to display the majesty, and beauty of Ansel Adam’s photography. The version I received was the expanded version and includes some full page photos that were just incredible. Thank you!
Reviewer: Raeis
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Some other customers posted photos of their copies, and the product is not that large. That’s my fault for not reading properly, and I was a bit disappointed.It also came with some red stuff on the back of the cover, not that big of a deal, but I haven’t figured out how to clean it off yet.
Reviewer: Chris
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Love this book!
Review: Photos are amazing and print quality is great! Some photos are printed small but that doesn’t bother me. Definitely a must own if you love landscape photography or black and white photography.
Reviewer: Carrie Henry
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Tiny size?
Review: I don’t understand why I got a tiny book! I looked over the reviews and pictures that people posted and saw full sized books. I ordered this with the expectation of getting a full sized one like the others! Not cool!
Reviewer: Sam
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Very good
Reviewer: 三太郎
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Review: この写真集のサイズは縦:約11.6センチ、横:約10.8センチと、かなり小さなものです。値段が安くて小さいので、手軽に買うことができるので、アンセル・アダムスの写真を取りあえず観るのには適しているかも知れません。ただ、サイズがかなり小さいので、写真本来に備わっているはずの「迫力」がなく、その辺は買う前に頭に入れておきたいところ。個人的には、いくら小さい写真集だと言っても、もう少し大きくした方がいいのでは?と思うくらい。その意味でアダムスの大自然を写した壮大な世界を楽しみたい人には、あまり向いてない。写真自体は国立公園の風景写真以外にも1940年代のインディアンの姿も掲載されており、わりとアダムスの多様な雰囲気の作品に触れることができると思います。
Reviewer: sergio Neves
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Every enthusiastic photographer must have
Reviewer: Sean
Rating: 2.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I was excited to receive this book, but was sorely disappointed after going through it. If I hadn’t read about Adams and seen his work in other books, I would conclude that he’s an amateur photographer after viewing his work in this book. Yes, there are a few great photos in it, but they are far and few and the best is perhaps the one on the cover. Most of the others are not well composed and looked more like rejected frames taken off a contact sheet. To make things worse, many images are too contrasty with poor tonality. Some are noisy in the shadows while others have got clipped highlights and black shadows devoid of any details. I would recommend that you buy other books of Adams’s work instead.
Reviewer: Andrea S.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Attenzione!!! Prima di acquistare questo libro, tenete conto che è in un formato davvero piccolo, 10.5cm x 10.5cm!Il libro è davvero bello e interessante, è una ricchissima raccolta di foto prodotta da Adams per conto del Dipartimento degli Interni americano per un progetto che verrà in seguito cancellato a causa dell’aggravarsi della guerra. Credo che in un certo senso il libro possa essere visto come uno spaccato del lavoro quotidiano dell’autore, del suo modo di operare, della scelta delle inquadrature, dei soggetti e delle composizioni, delle sfumature e dei contrasti, dei panorami e dei ritratti degli abitanti, piuttosto che la solita raccolta di portfolio organizzati magari in un momento molto successivo al lavoro.E’ un libro interessantissimo che non può che arricchire chiunque si interessi di fotografia e non solo paesaggistica.Al prezzo che l’ho pagato, usato, e nonostante le dimensioni ridottissime, credo proprio di aver fatto un affare nell’acquistarlo.
Price effective as of Mar 24, 2025 04:17:34 UTC
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