Customers say
Customers find the game enjoyable and easy to learn. They describe it as a fun way to spend time and a great starter game for young kids who want to learn the basics of D&D. The art quality is good, and the game is fun to play. However, some customers have mixed opinions on gameplay, quality, and size.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
D&D Board game
Play time: 45+ minutes
1 rulebook, 1 game board, 2 dice, 165 cards, 8 hero standees, 139 die-cut tokens
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: George A.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great remake of Dungeon!
Review: This remake is based off the late 70’s early 80’s Dungeon board game which I feel had the best dungeon layout (maze) and creatures\treasures. They also improved it by placing various helpful charts on the board itself and made things a lot easier and less of an effort to do (such as keeping track of unbeaten creatures).This is basically a game of getting loot and making it out of the Dungeon with enough of it to win the game (before the other players do). Your hero enters a room, fights a monster and if your hero wins you get a treasure. When you have enough treasure to win the game you must head back to the entrance and make it there alive. .This is a great fundamental introductory to Dungeons & Dragons for kids.It teaches two things. Strategy and basic math. If you have kids (girls and boys), they will all have fun playing it. (Its not just a boys game). Pictures on the pawns depict female elves, wizards etc and my daughter loves it.The pictures for the monsters are well done too. Snakes, Spiders, Orcs, Werewolves, Dragons….There is also optional solo rules for single player gaming.Other reviewers complain about the cheap quality but I didn’t really think so. Based on certain other products maybe so but I simply didn’t see it. Our cat chewed on a player pawn and nothing happened to it! The board is solid and folds out and all the cards and artwork are top rate.Highly recommend this game and its very well done.
Reviewer: Grimcleaver
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fun party game of semi-cooperative, semi-competitive dungeon crawling.
Review: This is a light game that works with a fairly large group of players and plays pretty fast. The board is a large and twisty labyrinth filled with doors, secret passages and rooms of all sizes. It’s color-coded for difficulty, which rises as you spread out from the central entrance. As you enter rooms you draw encounter cards to see what you fight. Different characters are better fighting different ways, different monsters are weaker to different sorts of attacks–but each fight comes down to a die roll. You win you get to draw a treasure card. You lose, you take some damage and its someone elses’ turn. Folks can help each other clear rooms, but ultimately as each character gets more gold it turns into every adventurer for themselves. See each adventurer has a number of gold pieces that if they get out with them, they win.And that’s the game. If you and your friends are already nerds of the roleplaying variety, having a D&D flavored board game will give you all a nice concentrated hit of that dungeon delving magic. If you or your friends are roleplaying curious and are looking for a low risk, fast way to familiarize yourselves with the basic ideas of what D&D is all about–this is a fun entry level game.For folks like us that love all things Dungeons & Dragons or fantasy in general, the game is fantastic. If you aren’t into that sort of thing–this is probably not going to be the same for you.
Reviewer: Aspiring philosopher
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fun, simple, but easy to customize for more complexity
Review: I played this game with my brother as a kid in the 80’s and on a lark, searched for it on the internet for my kids, now 6 and 7. I was happy to see that it was remade and still in circulation. As others have noted, it is fairly simple as far as gameplay goes. Much of the in-game mechanics involves simple dice rolls to determine the winner in fights with various monsters and possible damage to you if the monster wins. The loot system and victory mechanics are simple but fun. Therefore, it is an easy way to introduce young kids to fun fantasy board gaming. One thing that must be underscored, however is that it is very easy to customize. After getting familiar with the game, it is very easy and fun to invent new classes of characters. I invented ones based on my kid’s favorite adventure characters (Merida from Brave, the kids from the Narnia books, the Hobbit books, etc.), and each had special in-game abilities (e.g., Bilbo could use his ring to automatically escape from an encounter, and Gandalf could use his forsight to detect the nature of an enemy in a room before the encounter). I won’t get into the details here. If anybody is interested, I can just post my notes in a further comment discussion. But this sort of thing adds tons of replay-ability to the game. In any case, I’d recommend it highly, esp. if you enjoy doing customization like this as you or your kids become more comfortable with the game.
Reviewer: Michael A Brannon
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Dungeon! reborn… but construction is cheap.
Review: I was delighted to see that Dungeon!, a favorite boardgame from my youth, was now available in a reprint, as the originals are getting harder and harder to come by.The mechanics are pretty much intact. A very, very simple and straightforward dungeon crawl that deftly avoids being an RPG.But what gets me here is the construction. The board is sturdy and colorful, but the cards are cheaply produced — little more than thin card stock, almost paper-like. And the playing pieces are cardboard — which comes across as completely cheap and tacky, especially when you consider the original (and even contemporary releases like Castle Ravenloft) used molded plastic. The manual is a flimsy fold-out brochure — so they wouldn’t even spring for staples.The game itself is still fun and playable, but it’s obvious this game was a cheap-o penny-pinching production.
Reviewer: Lapeyre
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ce jeu est la reedition du celebre jeu dungeon ! De 1975 du pere du jeu de rôle gary gygax mort en 2008C est un jeu simple à partir de 8 ansMes gamins l’adorent car les parties sont courtes 45 minutes et très ludiques.Le jeu a une prise en main facile 4 pages de règlesIdéal pour noëlAmusera les grands et les petits
Reviewer: ももも
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 日本語の説明書が入っていませんでした。分からない英単語を調べれば遊べそうではあります。
Reviewer: Bubba Hamilton
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Really easy and fun to play. A race to the finish and each Character is slightly different. I got this because I had played it in my youth way way back and my friends and I enjoy it still. Cards are on the small side that’s really my only complaint. It can be played easily and finished before the evening is done, so you can play other games or another round of this great game. You can be a Rouge, Wizard, Fighter or Cleric and each class much attain a certain amount of wealth and make it back to the start to claim a win.
Reviewer: Katerina
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Das Beschreibung ist komplett in Englisch, aber Regel sind einfach, logisch und schnell zu merken. Die Aufmachung ist OK, aber was die Hauptsache ist – die ganze Familie ( das Alter variiert von 8 bis 60 Jahren) hat grossen Spass dabei und spielt es hin und wieder gern seit einem Jahr.
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: This is a simple dungeon & monsters game that can be played together with family or friends. The premise is simple, go in, kill monsters, earn enough gold and leave. You can choose various types of heroes, some are stronger but need to collect more gold, others are weaker but require less gold. The board is laid out into various sections with “levels”, meaning that you will find harder monsters in higher levels, but also more valued treasure! The dungeons have rooms and halls where you will find monsters or sometimes traps. You don’t need dice to move, you can move up to 5 spaces, but you do need the dice to kill monsters. If you fail to kill a monster, the monster fights back (using dice also), which can mean either nothing happens, you loose some loot, you loose maybe a turn also, or you can get killed, which just means you begin again without any treasure. The monsters are all different which makes exploring the dungeon fun because at random you can get easy monsters or hard monsters, advancing or delaying your hero’s progress… all while you watch your friends continue their treasure hoarding! Once you clear a room of monsters, that space is now explored and no other hero can find monsters or treasure there, so players must move to other rooms or levels to keep finding treasure!I’ve been playing this with friends and with my daughter of 6, and we’ve had a lot of fun and nervous excitement at discovering new monsters or stubbornly going after the same monster to get our treasure back! The exercise of comparing dice roll values to see if the monster is killed, or the amount of treasure accumulated, has been a fun way to practice some mathematics with my daughter, while building the concepts of strategy and decision have come as a bonus while playing this game.The game is a fun activity to introduce fantasy and competition, and the game is simple in mechanics so you don’t have to learn many rules. There are options available in the web to “spice” the game a little, but the game on its own stands well. The quality is decent for the price and beautifully colored, although the cards and the figures will wear with time. There is a need to find some way to store the cards and pieces for easy setup, but I just use plastic sandwich bags.
Price effective as of Mar 23, 2025 17:43:54 UTC
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