Customers say
Customers find the book useful and easy to read. They say it helps them pass their test. However, some customers report incorrect answers and grammatical errors in quizzes.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Technicians seeking certification in any one of the automotive ASE exam areas will benefit from the valuable preparation offered by this newly revised package of test preparation booklets. Each title in this popular series features the most up-to-date ASE task list available, along with practice test questions like those typically seen on an ASE certification exam to help users feel more comfortable and prepared to pass the actual test. Comprehensive coverage includes overviews of each task list topic, including descriptions of the actual repair procedure being discussed, plus ASE test taking strategies and detailed explanations as to why a particular answer is correct or incorrect.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: 390ejhglkdsjhhscc
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: worth it
Review: Well presented fountain of info on parts and ASE test prep
Reviewer: Janet B.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Perfect!
Review: Just what I was looking for
Reviewer: Youtube: Peace, Love and Guns
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Pretty good preparation for the P2 Exam
Review: This book, along with some free materials provided by my place of employment, prepared me to pass my P2 exam within a short period of time. The book is plenty well thought out and easy to read, and has good diagrams. There are multiple errors in the practice exam though, so it gets docked one star for that due to me being confused a couple of times.An example of this: Question: Something easy that you KNOW the answer to…Answer A would state INCORRECT (even thoough you know it is correct) and then it explains why it IS correct? What?Answer B Correct (which would be way wrong) stating why it is way wrong.Answer C Incorrect and why its incorrectAnswer D Incorrect and why its incorrect.This confused me the first couple of times until I realize what to look for. This could definitely be improved.
Reviewer: Karren
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: awesome
Review: I purchased this for my son, he says its everything he needed to learn and he is very happy his goal is to work at a parts store he loves working on cars and trouble shooting and is very knowledgable on this stuff and this book helped him to be better prepared and self assured on the matter.
Reviewer: Gaby Shack.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very good product
Review: Tried to get this from Motor Age (BAd experience) Found this one and am very pleased with contents. This is the way to go if you are preparing for your ASE certification. Wish it was spiral bound but I can take it down to the office supply company to get it done, still an outstanding product.
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Buena información
Review: Buen libro para prepararce y repasar lograr ser un parts specialist
Reviewer: vito toto
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Hey it really helped!
Review: I studied this prep book and it worked out very well for me! I am certified now and passed the proctored exam with near perfection!If you do study this program, read it thru a couple of times, then test yourself! Do the tests over again to be SURE you’ve got it down pat!
Reviewer: Paul A.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Good Prep
Review: The first time I took the P2 test,I didn’t use study material and I failed it by one point.I bought this book and on my second attempt I passed by one point.I think more than anything this book gives you the philosophy behind the answers.It’s one thing to understand you answered a question incorrectly yet an entirely different world when you ask WHY you answered incorrectly and that is the beginning of stacking the odds in your favor.The practice test will help you learn your weak areas and shore up those areas with explanations for the correct answer followed by footnotes to the tasks that further explain the reasoning for the correct answer.However keep in mind that the practice test is not the actual test because there are many versions of it. ASE goes through too much trouble to keep the integrity of the test at a certification level. Good luck and God bless
Reviewer: Peng Fei Han
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: very good
Price effective as of Mar 23, 2025 04:54:17 UTC
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