Customers say
Customers find the book informative and helpful for understanding general biology. They appreciate its clear explanations and visual quality, describing it as visually stunning and colorful. Many readers find it fun to read and say it blends education with fun.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Biology? No Problem!
This Big Fat Notebook covers everything you need to know during a year of high school BIOLOGY class, breaking down one big bad subject into accessible units. Including: biological classification, cell theory, photosynthesis, bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, the human body, plant and animal reproduction, DNA & RNA, evolution, genetic engineering, the ecosystem and more.
Study better with mnemonic devices, definitions, diagrams, educational doodles, and quizzes to recap it all.
Millions and millions of BIG FAT NOTEBOOKS sold!
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Tity
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: fun and education
Review: This book masterfully blends fun and education, making learning a delightful experience. Filled with stunning visuals and captivating facts, it presents information in a way that anyone—whether a non-science major or a curious teenager—can quickly grasp. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to explore and learn!
Reviewer: The Blissful Cate
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Such an easy and quick way to cover a lot of info
Review: I love this book! It covers a lot of info in a condensed and easy-to-understand format. I appreciate the way the chapters are set up within the units. I was pleasantly surprised that it’s such a good size for carrying around with you. I also got the algebra book and will probably also get the chemistry book.
Reviewer: Me
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Exactly as described.
Review: Easy to understand, teaching my kids, thank you!
Reviewer: Ms Mama Eagle
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Insightful & Fun Biology Book
Review: This book is an excellent resource for high school students. The book is well-organized and presents complex concepts in an accessible, engaging manner. With colorful illustrations, diagrams, and clear explanations, it breaks down essential topics, making them easier to understand and remember.The informal tone adds a fun touch, making studying less daunting. Overall, it’s a valuable study aid for anyone looking to excel in biology, providing a solid foundation for future science courses.
Reviewer: Rose
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book, but…
Review: The book is very informative but some people will have an issue with the way it is bound. The binding of the book makes it harder to flip the pages for what you need and mildly infuriates my friend.
Reviewer: Howard
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A++, a must read
Review: Like the other books in the series, at least the ones I’ve purchased, this is a superb learning tool. This was actually my major in college so I’m more qualified this time to write a review.I think this book covers everything that you need to know in high school biology, generally with the right amount of detail. It covers the body systems well with a chapter devoted to each one. It’s pretty good in evolution and reasonable in ecology. I know that publishers put limits on page numbers and so I think that this and the chemistry book waste a couple of chapters in the beginning on more abstract ideas that you really need to learn on the job and not from books. I mean things like broad scientific terminology and lab techniques. I feel this is precious room wasted. For instance the section on genetics is okay but genetics is a really hot topic and the basic concepts should be covered in some detail. As an example, the author only talks about part of the protein synthesis process (transcription) but, except for a quick blurb, he does not mention the rest of the process (translation and the famous picture of the genetic code). Two of the Covid vaccines are pieces of mRNA and the vaccines in these 2 cases are based on the principle of protein synthesis. In fact, as best as I can tell, the process of amino acids joining to become proteins is not explained anywhere, even in the organic molecule section. There, he uses a chart to explain the 4 major organic macromolecules. That’s near the beginning of the book and is an important building concept. that requires a somewhat detailed explanation and a few pictures of the structure of the macromolecules. He got back to nucleic acids later on but he did not really get back to the other 3. He might have included a chapter on nutrition and vitamins where some of this stuff could be explained further. Of course, nowadays you can read with your phone next to you and Google any curiosity that you want to so none of these omissions are very crucial. I know you can’t include everything so I might be nitpicking a bit. His discussion of atomic structure, the importance of water, and enzymes is very good. The chapters on cellular respiration and photosynthesis are superb and they are difficult subjects. The animal phyla section is super; I think it’s a focus of any high school biology course.Overall, this is a really, really good and informative book. This is a book that should be on anyone’s shelf, even adults that are really educated in this subject. It’s a great read and it’s a beautiful book. I highly recommend it.
Reviewer: A. Owolabi
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Educational and Fun
Review: This book has found a unique way to incorporate fun and education togetherFro dazzling pictures to interesting factsThis book has it all so simple that even a 13yr old would understandI 100% recommend you buy
Reviewer: new jersey art lover
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great Book
Review: good study guide
Reviewer: Cássia Nóbrega Coimbra Mattos
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ótimo
Reviewer: 堂垣外弘忠
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: この参考書は、「完璧な高校生物スタディガイド—優評価をもらうためのすべて!まるで、クラスのトップの子のノートをカリスマ教師がチェック・補充したような分厚いノート」だとか!特に面白いのは、分類学で、「えー、ほんと?」、「まさか?」、「今はそうなっているのか?」、「半世紀前とは全然違うんだ!」など、驚きの連続です。また、細胞生物学・遺伝学・分子生物学は、最新の知見を取り入れて、大変実用的です。さらに、英文は、平易で自然な口語で、素晴らしい!専門用語以外は、辞書なしでスラスラ読めます。 高校の時、生物が嫌いでしたが、こんな教科書・参考書があったら、好きになっていたかも!全編一気に読み通しました。ありがたいことに、この安さにもかかわらず、扱いやすい立派な装丁のハードカバーなのです!
Reviewer: Baskaran
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Book was good but the packaging is not so good..!
Reviewer: No recibi nada!
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Me encantan estes libros. He comprado de cada materia
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Good study aid for kid
Price effective as of Mar 21, 2025 06:42:26 UTC
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