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Reviewer: NerdAngel
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A little too fast but entertaining
Review: I’m a Gerard Butler fan, so I would have given this at least a 3-star anyway just for having him in it. Upgrade to a 4-star for Michael C. Hall as the bad guy, which I loved and which was (aside from Dexter) probably one of my favorite of his performances. The reason I’m choosing to give it a 5-star rating is because although it is at times both mentally hard to watch (hanging people from hooks in the ceiling by their skin, seriously?) and physically hard to watch (strobe light effects, anyone?), and the story moves a little too quickly for any real character development, that rapid fire pacing has an endearing quality to it because for me it harkened back to the age of comic books. Not graphic novels, mind you, where the writer and the artist had basically an entire book’s worth of pages to tell a story and let you get to know the characters in minute detail. But the one-shot comics where everything moved so fast that you got caught up in the action and were finished before you really had time to think about how little you really knew about the characters. Like those one-shot comics, ‘Gamer’ wraps you up in the slash’n’hack world of the ‘Slayers’ game right away and makes it very hard for you to pull out and ask, “So, who are these people, really?” But, also like one-shots, the movie does it’s best to squeeze in the answers to that question wherever possible. It maybe doesn’t fully succeed, but it comes very close. We get a sense of the main characters to the point that we can at least understand where they are coming from and why they’re doing what they’re doing. The second-string characters get a little definition, just enough so that they are useful to the plot line, even if we’re still left scratching our heads and wondering, “Okay, so… where exactly did you come from again?” In addition, the concepts brought up in this futuristic film are mind-bending enough to at least get your brain thinking. In a move akin the one taken by ‘Idiocracy’, the movie makes us pause for a second after the film is over and makes us ask, “Wow, is that where our society could be headed? Are we opening ourselves up for that kind of a world by the actions we are choosing today?” ‘Gamer’ may not be the best quality piece of cinema or storytelling ever created, but it has its bright spots right alongside the bad. It’s definitely the type of movie you pick up when you just want to watch something, not when you are looking for a mind-blowing cinematic experience or phenomenal storytelling. (Go find a foreign film or something.) But I would challenge viewers to watch this movie and, rather than sitting through it and nitpicking out every little detail that they hate, to try to see some good points: an awesome performance on the part of the villain; a good (if not amazing) and relatively easy to relate to protagonist in Kable; a concept that, if not totally original, is still terrifying on a subconscious level; and some truly hilarious moments just waiting to be appreciated.
Reviewer: Michael Cast
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Gerard Butler plays in it, need I say more?
Review: I have yet to see a movie with Gerard Butler in it that was bad. Seriously. I’m not saying that just because he is one of my favorite actors, when in fact it’s how he just brings the quality up in the picture because he’s THAT good. It’s true that this particular movie did not make a huge splash at the box office, but it’s a good vid nonetheless. The film is set in the not so distant future where video games become live action. My son and his friends would wait for hours to get a new version of a game and then disappear into his room for a whole weekend. Sometimes they had no less than five televisions going in his room! Oh, my poor electric bill. So it not too far of a stretch of the imagination for the plot as prisoners are given a chance at a pardon if they fight to the death on live television. Only one thing, the prisoners are not in control of their own bodies, but are being CONTROLLED by “gamers”. If you do watch this vid (which I suggest you do) notice all the really bizarre things going on in the background. All of the super weird stuff going on tells us that society loses it’s grasp on morality. It could all happen. But I really hope it never gets that bad, because there is some real crazy going on.
Reviewer: P. McAllister
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: OK
Review: oK but not great.
Reviewer: AmazonUser
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Cheesy but good
Review: This movie can feel very cheesy and it is but the view of an FPS (First Person Shooter) from the view of real people with real consequences and what The Sims would be like with real characters is an interesting prospect. Showing the sides of both the players and the “in game characters” and how they interact and showing some of the stereotypes of what gamers are, do and look like is pretty strong through the film.The main character is of course Gerard Butler who is a convict controlled through nano implants in an FPS (Call of Duty/Battlefield/Medal of Honor etc) by a teenager in his bedroom. If they win enough games, which is approaching, then he wins his freedom but of course there is always someone behind the scenes looking to make sure it doesn’t happen, that person is the creator of the games, Ken Castle (Dexter) who also happens to have Butlers daughter.If you like video games, like action films or just want something different to watch then you could do a lot worse than this.
Reviewer: Mary
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A sci-fi movie even science geeks and mmorpg players can love
Review: As an FPS mmorpg player and a Sims/Second Life person, and a phd level science geek, I thought this movie was one of the best I’ve seen. It captures the attraction and absurdity of both genres and lays bare their metaphor, but is finally upbeat about being human.It has a scarily plausible nanotech/bioengineering premise, The idea of nanodust being able to interact with neurons to create a computer that interfaces to a network is not only brilliant but probably already being done somewhere, with worms if not with humans. It calls upon recent widespread concern/paranoia about internet spying and individual freedom (recently made plausible by NDAA and the NSA spying scandals).Michael C. Hall, with his background in Dexter and in Broadway-esque musicals like Cabaret, makes a delightful villain who can sing.I am guessing there will be a sequel that comes from a rather obvious plot omission, and will watch for it.
Reviewer: Linchen
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: !Persönliche Meinung!Ich glaube ich habe diesen Film jetzt mittlerweile schon 10x gesehen. Ich liebe diesen Film einfach. Die Hauptdarsteller spielen ihre Rollen sehr, sehr gut. Vorallem Gerard Butler macht eine wirklich gute Figur. Die Story ist für manche vielleicht zu einfach gestrickt oder teilweise auch zu absurd. Ich finde sie von daher gut, da ich der Meinung bin, es könnte in der Zukunft wirklich mal soweit kommen… . Die Aktion kommt bei Gamer jedenfalls absolut nicht zu kurz. Wer selbst gerne zockt und Action-Filme wie Crank mag wird diesen Film mit Sicherheit auch lieben :-).Aber was ich absolut nicht nachvollziehen kann ist Folgendes:Wieso ist ein Film FSK 18 geschnitten? Bin ich mit 18+ nicht in der Lage mir selbst auszusuchen was ich mir gebe und was nicht?! Hätte man da nicht einmal eine FSK 16 und eine FSK 18 Fassung produzieren können? Einfach unbegreiflich, aber leider die Realität!Vorallem der Schnitt an sich ist mir ein Rätsel. Die Logik hinter den entfernten Szenen entzieht sich meinem Verständnis. Auf der einen Seite sieht man explodierende, herumfliegende Körperteile und weggeschossene Köpfe…und dann wird weggeschnitten wie der Held einem Bösewicht das Genick bricht?! Wo ist die Logik? Da hätte man die Kastration auch ganz lassen können. Meine Meinung…Pro:+ Viel, viel, viel Aktion+ Eine nachvollziehbare Story+ Viele Extras auf der DVD+ Blu-Ray Qualität ist top!Con:- Total blöder Schnitt
Reviewer: E. Carreão
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Está entretenida, el 3D es bueno y está en español latino.
Reviewer: M
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 近所のレンタル屋さんに置いてなくて、作品の評価は低いけど気になり…中古購入。問題なく視聴できました。役者が違えば60点くらいの作品かもですが、ジェラルド・バトラー好きの補正がかかって85点。特典映像での監督たちの細かい解説が意外と面白かったので90点?いやいや、まさかのジェリー尻丸出しでさらに加点!200点です(笑)過去作品で何度も拝んでますが、まさかこんなパターンでの披露があるとは…さすがジェリー!洋画アクション好きならまあまあ楽しめると思います。ジェリー好きなら超楽しめるかと(^^)
Reviewer: Patrik
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: All good except the case was damaged.
Reviewer: PATRICIA
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Es una pelicula buena, aunque al ser de videojuegos no me ha llamado mucho la atención. Pero no a estado mal
Price effective as of Mar 19, 2025 19:18:48 UTC
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