Customers say
Customers find the book a great value for the price. They appreciate the quality of the music and content, describing it as a fantastic collection of music from a musical genius. The book includes both versions of the Paganini Etudes, making it ideal for home study.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Liszt’s reputation as perhaps the greatest pianist of all time is powerfully supported by his dazzling body of work for solo piano. The undiminished popularity of his etudes with pianists and audiences alike have made them among the most performed and recorded works for solo piano in the romantic repertoire.
This superbly produced yet inexpensive two-volume edition presents all of Liszt’s etudes as edited by the great pianist, composer, and musical scholar Ferruccio Busoni for the Franz Liszt Society and published by Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig in 1910–11.
This second volume, Series II, includes many of Liszt’s most important piano works. Liszt’s creative method can be observed in his reworking of the Etudes d’ Exécution Transcendante d’après Paganini into the Grande Etudes de Paganini (better known as simply the Paganini Etudes), and the similar revision of the “Morceau de Salon” into “Ab Irato.” The separate etudes cover a wide stylistic range, from the dazzling technical display of the most popular of the Paganini Etudes, “La Campanella,” to the graceful, restrained lyricism of “Waldesrauschen.” Each will bring to pianists and their listeners a moving encounter with the genius of this towering musical personality.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Karen Flores
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Outstanding Value.
Review: Volume II has both the 1838 & 1851 versions of the Paganini Etudes, that alone makes this worth it. Includes the 3 Concert Etudes and the 2 Concert Etudes which means you get both Un Sospiro and Gnomenreigen. This is 184 pages of music. The Editor is a minimalist; virtually Urtext. You & your teacher are free to figure out your own fingering. The type is dark enough, the paper white enough, the font is on the small side because the paper is 8.5 x 11. That is small for music especially this kind of music. I wear trifocals; I can read this just fine. The binding is solid, meaning you have to work to keep the score open. It’s great for home study which is why I bought it. If you are a professional, look elsewhere for a competition sanctioned scholarly edition. Otherwise, this is unbeatable.
Reviewer: Sabrina Ang
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Liszt’s music is AMAZING!!
Review: This book (along with the first volume) is really wonderful. Once a pianist gets to that stage where they are looking for more advanced music to play, they should DEFINITELY try out Liszt. This man was really a brilliant composer, as well as a musical genius. I would recommend his music to anyone ready to play more difficult music. WONDERFUL PRODUCT.
Reviewer: Diego Davila
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: This is definitely a good purchase if you are planning to use this book …
Review: This is definitely a good purchase if you are planning to use this book as a reference book. Why do I say this?, because it has all the content you can for Liszt’s Paganini Etude or Concert Etudes in this Series II for an affordable price. I believe any student pianist can take this book to study these masterpieces, but I have to say that this edition lacks of fingering (It does have fingering, but not too much) and the paper is not thick enough so that you can add some annotations, etc.The book does not lay-flat easily, instead, I have to force it to stay open for a moment. The printing is OK but it could be better.Overall, I can say that it is a great product for such affordable price, the lack of fingering may be a small problem for you, but still the content is great. So like I said at the beginning I highly recommend this edition if you are planning to use it as a reference book, trying to study any etude with this book is not excellent but good.
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great find!
Review: This was a gift for my composer husband. It’s one of the collections he’d been looking for, unsuccessfully. I scored big points for our anniversary- and the price was right!
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: No frills collection of Liszt etudes that is a good value for the money
Review: This is a rather comprehensive book as it includes both versions of the Paganini Etudes, and also includes his concert etudes – both the two concert etudes (which includes the popular Gnomenreigen) and the three concert etudes (which includes the even more popular un sospiro). The book also includes Ab Irato, an etude that is not as popular as the others (at least I do hear it performed as much) but is very demanding (which might be the reason why it isn’t as widely performed).You can obviously find some of Busoni’s editions of these etudes on IMSLP for free, and you won’t get critical analyses of the music like you would in a Urtext Henle or Peters (not sure if a Peters edition exists though) or even an Alfred edition. Also, the book is held together by cheap glue, so you definitely have to handle this book with care. But the price is very very low, and its nice to have quick access to the score. If you need a quick reference for all of Liszt non Transcendental etudes or don’t want to shell out the money this would be a decent purchase.
Reviewer: Dutcher Snedeker
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great purchase!
Review: Those looking to challenge themselves in their journey learning piano should definitely check this book out. It is great for intermediate players looking to transition to advanced, and advanced players looking to have the ultimate challenge. Great bargain for the amount of music printed!
Reviewer: Lisa Rose
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Reliable, affordable edition
Review: This edition of Liszt Etudes is terrific. I loved that it was under $20. It came highly recommended by my teacher.
Reviewer: Me
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Has fingering and alternate endings
Review: This has the regular selection of fingerings. The intro pages have the alternate endings to pieces such as Un Sospiro. Nice and clear print too.
Reviewer: さっこさん
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: やっとこさ見つけたパガニーニによる超絶技巧ののっている楽譜!!!今頑張って練習中です!! しかしやばいです!!難しすぎです!!指の間が裂けそうです!!でももう三週間たったのか、指の間がだいぶ開くようになりました!! この曲はこういった意味でもいい練習になるかもしれないです!!指が開くようになると難しい曲が弾きやすくなりますもんね!!ということでオススメでございます
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Don’t get me wrong. I love this book. The spacing is wonderful and leaves me enough room to write helpful notes during practice and the cover page is so pretty. I always get compliments when waiting for a practice room at my university.But there is one big problem…The book does not STAY open. Unlike the other editions I have in my arsenal, the Dover editions promise a lay-flat binding that keeps your book open during practice. This is not entirely true. It just takes time like all books. It requires break-in and if you’re expecting this book to stay open from the get-go, you will be disappointed.Otherwise, this is a wonderful edition that I cannot complain about.
Reviewer: Jesús Valencia
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Muy precisa la partitura, recomendable
Reviewer: Javier Correa
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Casi todos los libros de Dover miden 12 pulgadas o 30 cm y ese es un buen tamaño, desafortunadamente por algún motivo la mayor parte de los libros de Liszt publicados por Dover miden 11 pulgadas o 27 cm, para contrarrestar el tamaño de la partitura se utilizan todos los márgenes y no queda espacio para hacer algún tipo de anotación. En general estoy contento con los libros de Dover, tengo más de 30 pero en el caso de Liszt recomiendo buscar otras ediciones.
Reviewer: 高等遊民
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: フランツ・リスト(1811-1886)のピアノ曲の楽譜です。収録曲は…●パガニーニの《鐘》による華麗な大幻想曲、S.420●パガニーニによる超絶技巧練習曲集、S.140(全6曲)●パガニーニによる大練習曲集、S.141(全6曲)●サロン風小品〜仕上げの練習曲、S、142●怒りを込めて〜仕上げの大練習曲、S.143●3つの演奏会用練習曲、S.144●2つの演奏会用練習曲、S.145です。楽譜は、ブライトコプフ社のものを使用しています。サイズは21cm×28cmで、全184ページです。S.420は《ラ・カンパネラ》の原型と言える曲です。S.140を改作したものがS.141で、S.142を改作したものがS.143です。印刷は概ね良好で見やすく(多少気になる箇所があるが…)、鑑賞・研究に最適です。音楽を愛する全ての人にお薦めしたい一冊です。
Price effective as of Mar 19, 2025 05:17:34 UTC
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