You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger [Blu-ray]

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Reviewer: F. S. L’hoir
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Allen’s Random Harvest
Review: I found some of the comments that “Tall Dark Stranger” was about ‘absolutely nothing’ ironic, because the voiceover at the beginning of the film, quoting “Macbeth,” informs viewers exactly of what they are going to see: a story “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!”As usual, Allen has assembled an outstanding cast, including Gemma Jones, Naomi Watts, Anthony Hopkins, and Antonio Banderas. Jones is especially endearing as Hopkins’ neurotic ex-wife and the mother of the equally neurotic Watts. Josh Brolin plays Watts’s rather obnoxious husband, who is attracted to Freida Pinto, charming as the lady in red, who inhabits the window of his dreams in the flat across the courtyard. Lucy Punch is convincingly downmarket as Hopkins’ enticing squeeze, and Banderas plays Watts’s plausible (if dodgy) boss with panache. Allen emphasises the hopes and aspirations of his characters effectively with his lush but intimate musical score, which includes pop, jazz, opera, chamber (Mozart) and classical guitar (Boccherini). The scrumptious London settings provide a perfect background for his characters, and make the film a very enjoyable place for the viewer to while away a couple of hours.One of the things I love about Woody Allen’s films is their unpredictability. Even though they hold recurrent themes, no two are exactly alike. They always contain surprises that delight, if one accepts them on their own terms. “Tall Dark Stranger” is a celebration of life in all its randomness and unpredictability. It is about the grass always seeming greener elsewhere; about possibility; about hope, that last spirit remaining in Pandora’s box. In other words, it is about each one of us living our separate lives, which sometimes touch one another, and then, unexpectedly, move off in random directions.

Reviewer: Bic Parker
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Solid Woody Allen Drama
Review: Woody Allen is a strong writer with a truck load of Oscar nominations (and wins) to prove it. He likes to study the motives that drive his characters so we can understand, if not sympathize with, the things they do. Sometimes he hits the target, sometimes not. In this case he has some formidable talent to bring his story to life. Anthony Hopkins and Gemma Jones are simply superb. He’s thrown her over for a newer model, she’s turned to a fake psychic for help. Meanwhile their daughter, Naomi Watts, and her husband, Josh Brolin, have issues that drive them to seek comfort outside their own marriage. Lucy Punch is a standout as Hopkins’ high-maintenance babe; Frieda Pinto and Antonio Banderas are charming in the extreme. Despite the occasional comedic touches this is a drama about unhappy people struggling to find their ways down uncertain paths of their own making. Some of it is heartbreaking. For some there is a happy future, for others, not so much. This is a thoughtful movie, a movie for grown-ups. Under Allen’s sure direction these actors shine in difficult roles. Not one of his greatest efforts but Allen’s fans won’t be disappointed.

Reviewer: Jay Knack
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Underrated, misunderstood gem
Review: Make no mistake, this is one of Woody’s least popular films, with critics and fans alike, but it is also grossly underrated and unfairly judged. It is, as you would expect, very well acted, given the excellent ensemble cast. It is a highly emotional film that weaves various storylines together seamlessly but resolves them in ways that defy conventional expectations (even, perhaps, in terms of Woody’s oeuvre) and come off as ultimately unsatisfying to most viewers. But YWMATDS slots in well with dramatic offerings like Interiors and Husbands and Wives, emotional films with subtle stabs of humor and a mixed bag of personal outcomes.

Reviewer: Bryan A. Pfleeger
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Life Is Sound And Fury Signifying Nothing
Review: I usually enjoy Woody Allen films and for the first ninety minutes of this ninety-nine minute film I did. Then something happened, it ended with no resolution of the stories, no nothing but looking back perhaps that was the point. As Shakespeare once sais life is all sound and fury signifying nothing. So too is You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger.It is a family story, and a tale of marriages unraveling. When the film begins, Helena (Gemma Jones) and Alfie (Anthony Hopkins) have recently divorced, their 40-year union unable to withstand his late-life crisis and her bouts of anxiety. He finds solace in a sports car and workout regiment; she ends up spending the lion’s share of her time seeking the advice of a rather shady psychic, and making frequent (and unannounced) visits to their only offspring, Sally (Naomi Watts). But Sally’s marriage to Roy (Josh Brolin) is in its own trouble; he’s a novelist who hasn’t been able to live up to the promise of his first book, and isn’t doing much in the way of providing for their future, so she ends up going back into the workforce as the assistant to Greg (Antonio Banderas), a handsome gallery owner. Sally’s attracted to her boss, while Roy is drawn to the lovely Dia (Freida Pinto), whose apartment window faces his office.There are twistsand turns aplenty from Allen’s fine cast and the movie moves along quite well. The feeling is of real people relating to and with each other. Both Watts and Hopkins are a joy to watch. The entire ensemble cast holds its own quite well. The problem is that I wish there were more of the story. One becomes invested in the characters only to get no real sense of resolution/The film I screened was a standard definition DVD which presented great picture and clear sound. As usual with an Allen film it was a pretty bare bones affair with only a trailer as a bonus feature.Maybe life is in fact all sound and fury signifying nothing. In Allen’s world this may in fact be the point of the experience.Worth it but with reservations.

Reviewer: Friendoftheworld
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: This is a fine piece of work. No, it is not a classic, but it is well written, well observed, and extremely well performed, especially by Gemma Jones, Anthony Hopkins, and the luminous Naomi Watts. It is at times very funny, but also affecting. A truthful study of human beings seeking fulfillment through romance, work,even the supernatural, deceiving others and themselves. There are no goodies or baddies, only people being fools to themselves. I thought that the gold digging character of Charmaine ( excellently realized by Lucy Punch ) was particularly well done – in the end, she was just another person trying to get by in life. Do you laugh or cry ? With this Woody Allen , you get to do both.

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Very good Woody Allen movie at a very cheap price. Super fast delivery. Couldn’t be more satisfied!

Reviewer: J. C. Mareschal
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: “You will meet a tall dark stranger” shows Woody Allen at his very best. The story relates the aftereffects of the separation of a couple of 40 years. While the husband, Alfie (Anthony Hopkins), tries to find a second youth, and remarries with a call girl, his wife, Helena (Gemma Jones), consults an astrologist who predicts her the happiest future. Their daughter is an art dealer, secretly in love with her boss, while her husband, a failed writer is in love with the woman across the street. The plot seems quite predictable, but a string of misunderstandings and small “coups de theatre” make it a very entertaining movie. But this is also and foremost a movie about London. Woody Allen has filmed his best movies in the big cities that he loves. It has been obvious for a long time that London is one of these cities and this movie gave Woody Allen a perfect excuse to show the glamour of the big city. I loved it!

Reviewer: Mikerusan
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: ok

Reviewer: ROSE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: ウッディアレン  監督・脚本作品のアレンワールドです。アンソニー・ホプキンス、ナオミ・ワッツ、アントニオ・バンでラス、ジョッシュ・ブローリン、ジェマ・ジョーンズ など豪華布陣。原題は作中にも出て来ますが、YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER.劇場舞台を見ているようなお話の展開ですが、ミッドナイト・イン・パリのロンドン版、軽妙で小粋な作品で、アレンしか出せない味ですね。兎角男と女は、、、、を斜交いな視点で、笑わせてくれます。

Price effective as of Mar 19, 2025 01:51:48 UTC

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