IELLO: King of New York, 6 Monsters, Enthralling Theme, Simple, Fast-Paced, Strategy Board Game,

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Customers say

Customers enjoy the board game. They find it fun and easy to learn, with a surprising level of depth and strategy. Many consider it a worthy sequel to King of Tokyo, with quick game times. The game offers good value for money, balance, and quality, though opinions differ on its complexity.

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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:

Simple, fast-paced and lively as King of Tokyo, with more depth and decisions to be made
Takes about an hour to play
For 2-6 players
Incredible artwork by Regis Torres

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: Craig Hill
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Not your same old monsters of Tokyo, but a whole new (awesome) King!
Review: King of Tokyo has been one of the more played games in our rotation with friends and family of all ages for a few years now. When we heard King of New York was coming, we all hoped it would bring the same fun and not just be a re-hash of King of Tokyo. I’m delighted to say it’s much more than that: it’s honestly a step up, both in terms of complexity and strategy without losing the core elements of luck and dice.The card-buying via energy, healing, and attack dynamics are all familiar to King of Tokyo vets, but King of New York adds in several new components that improve on the game play and flow. Probably the most fun additions in our first several play-throughs have been the addition of the “ouch” and “celebrity” sides of the die, which can bring some much-needed table turning opportunities in the Superstar and Statue of Liberty. The building destroying dynamic was awkward at first but after a play-through everyone started to get the hang of using the buildings in your borough to your advantage–and if they weren’t, to make sure you moved to a new borough after wreaking havoc or to avoid havoc being wreaked on you.The energy cards are all well-balanced and have some great stacking effects that can make every game totally unique on every play-through. Some of the cards seem innocuous enough and suddenly could make your quest to kingdom much easier. Every time you think you have a strategy that can work, the next game is totally different and that strategy might leave you high and dry. While luck is still a large component of the play with the rolling of the dice, there are many ways to get victory points or down other monsters, and the new dice components mean fewer dice without consequence at the end of a turn. No longer do you have two unused numbers at the end of a turn if you didn’t complete your set, but you now can be destroying buildings or getting attached by units in the borough with those rolls.We bought a copy as a gift for two twelve year-olds and played three times this weekend; they quickly grasped the concepts after a play through and were excited to play again. While more complex than its predecessor, I’d say it’s even more balanced, strategic, and yet still wonderfully random. Definitely worth checking out and every bit a party game that King of Tokyo is but it’s also more than that: it’s a wonderful game in its own right.

Reviewer: Area_Woman
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Adds variety!
Review: King of Tokyo is a Very fun game for the family. Initial hump learning how to play correctly, but well worth watching a few tutorial videos in order to do so.We play with a 6 and 9 year old and they picked it up pretty easily. Got these power up packs to add more variety to the original game.Disclaimer- Highly recommend getting the “power up” game expansion to KoT as well in order to have the rest of the original characters play with power ups. I was not aware of this and ended up getting it before using these add ons. Makes it much easier to play.

Reviewer: Buck DeFore
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: I would find it unsatisfying to go back to KoT now, which is a remarkable achievement.
Review: King of Tokyo is a hard game to top. It’s party-friendly. It’s easy to pick up. Amongst the ideal 4-6 player range, it cycles among frantic alliances and betrayals. The theme is comical and the artwork, particularly its cards, are top notch. It’s one of those games you can reliably bring along to please even those who aren’t board game aficionados. It has but one glaring problem: turtling. It’s far too effective a strategy to merely avoid entering Tokyo as much as possible, racking up victory points while your opponents fight amongst themselves. Which is pretty dull compared to the backdrop of stretching your roll to try to get that last attack face in order to eliminate an opponent.King of New York provides a novel counter to this. In place of the number faces of the dice are the new features of Destruction, Celebrity, and Ouch. Cities now fight back – military units break out in response to damage – and you can funnel these units to where your opponents are stationed. No monster is very safe for long. This isn’t a small rebalance. You’ll probably discover that while the rules remain pretty similar, habits from KoT are counter-productive in KoNY. It speeds up the game and rewards careful consideration. There’s less room for error when choosing when to heal, when to gather energy, and when to attack.The only slights I can manage: the cards from KoT are mostly incompatible given these changes. Which is sad since some of them are pretty fantastic and I would love to include them. Second, the scoring placards haven’t changed other than the artwork for new characters. So they still suffer from the problem of not very visibly showing health and victory points except through a very small window. This leads to lots of neck craning or ‘health check’ announcements. Neither of these are enough to dock KoNY out of five-star territory. All of the charms from before are still here, just refined.

Reviewer: B. Bosher
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Starting from where King of Tokyo left off King of New York has a very familiar feel. Choosing monsters, rolling dice, trying to hold on to Manhattan (Tokyo). However, there are some quite significant differences that mostly lead to an improvement over the original.Pros – The board is now necessary, this may seem like an odd thing to say about a board game but players of it’s predecessor will know what I mean. The board of Tokyo only had 1/2 players on at any one time and the majority of players character’s would be sat off of it. Now the boroughs of New York beyond Manhattan offer an interesting array of additional actions that I shall come on to later. They have removed the 1s, 2s, and 3s from the dice! I found this one of the most unsatisfying elements of the original and the least interactive. These options have been replaced by stars, destruction and ouchs. The latter two involve the addition of buildings in all boroughs, even Manhattan. By rolling the destruction icons monsters can now destroy buildings, doing so will reveal a military unit. On later turns these too can be destryoed. The ouchs can cause you and/or other player to take damage from these units. The stars are my least favourite as they essentially have the direct result of victory points but nowhere near as easily as rolling 3 3s does in the original.Cons – Set up time is now increased due to having to setup these piles of buildings, a minor point but worth mentioning as these games are often used as fillers between longer games and you would therefore not want a lengthy setup. That being said the setup is still minimal. Due to the slightly increased complexity I have found individual turns now take slightly longer as people have to spend more time thinking about what their next action will be, this is obviously more subjective a criticism and depends greatly on the group of people.Summary – I struggled to pull out any negatives and there are many more positives I did not discuss, If you enjoy King of Tokyo I can see no reason why you wouldn’t love this game, that being said I wouldn’t describe it as an essential ‘upgrade’ as personally I do not own a copy of King of Tokyo and if I had probably would not have purchased this, at least not right away. For those that have played neither I would recommend this game over King of Tokyo as the main issues I had with Tokyo have been fixed which in turn leads to more player interaction that in my opinion is where the fun lies!

Reviewer: ربيع احمد
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: لعبتها مع اصحابي مرا رهيبة وفيها تعقيد رهيب ما يخليها تطفش

Reviewer: EnriqueGtz
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Los paquetes de monstruos siguen siendo de alta calidad. Este incluye un dado y unas cartas de maldición, además de las cartas de poder para jugar con KoNY o KoTY con su respectiva expansión.El tema de maldiciones y muerte muy central a Anubis y lo hace muy interesante cada turno para todos los jugadores ya que la “maldicion” afecta todos los turnos.El dado nuevo que tienes que tirar es de buena calidad aunque al ser una pirámide no “rueda” tan bien.Hasta el momento comparando con los otros dos creo que es mi favorita, a pesar de que temáticamente prefiero a King Kong o Cthulhu.Muy recomendable, aunque me preocupa que de tanto monstruo ya empieza a ser complicado poner todo en la caja original del juego.

Reviewer: Marie France
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Nous avons eu déjà le King of Tokio et voulions voir évolution de ce jeux déjà superbe. Oui, c’est plus élaboré, oui il y a plus d’idées, mais je préfère toujours The King of Tokyo, la version d’origine est peut être plus facile à jouer ou c’est juste le sentimental du premier jeu de la série.

Reviewer: Sana H
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I bought this pack mainly because the curse system and die intrigued me. I thought it would make the game more fun and make people more cautious and aggressive. In all honesty the curse die is not a very worthy investment, as after the thrill of having something new wears off it is just an annoying thing to watch out for. The saving grace of this pack is the anubis monster as his artwork and evolutions are both amazing and worth the 10 bucks you got to cough up.

Price effective as of Mar 16, 2025 21:34:02 UTC

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