Customers say
Customers enjoyed the book’s humor and found it entertaining. They described it as a quick, well-written read that is excellent for reluctant readers. The characters were praised for being realistic. However, some felt the plot was dull and the ending dragged on for too long.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Everything unathletic sixteen-year-old Henry was dreading about survival camp turns out to be true–or even worse–when armed killers arrive and survival takes on a whole new meaning for the campers.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: nicole w brown
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: This hilarious book tells the story of five geeky boys who go up against the mob at Survival camp.
Review: Sixteen-year-old Henry who is a geek and afraid of everything including sea horses and lobsters get talked into going to a Survival Camp run by a scary looking dude named Max, by his parents and his best friend Randy. He arrives there and there are only three other campers there beside him and Randy. Stu, Jackie, who has green hair and is younger than the rest of them, and Erik, who is more adept than the rest of them. Max tells them to turn over the electronics they weren’t supposed to bring or it will be destroyed when he finds it. So they madly scramble to give over phones, iPods, game boys, and the like. But Jackie is holding out and Max stomps on it. Henry for some reason gets up the guts to talk back to Max and tells him he can’t do that or tell them to do push-ups. Max begs to differ and Henry finds himself doing pushups till he pukes and sleeping outside that night.While he’s outside that night he meets Monica from the music camp a few miles away. Henry thinks she’s hot and nice and really cool. But when he asks to use her phone to play a game on it he sees a message from her roommate about how her boyfriend had texted her looking for Monica. She hasn’t said anything about a boyfriend so Henry hasn’t given up on her yet.The first day there Henry hits a bullseye on the archery field. The next day he isn’t so lucky. He and Randy team up to build a shelter outdoors. It falls apart and catches fire leaving Max to wonder where he went wrong. The other team only did marginally better. That night Monica will bring some friends from her camp to the Survival Camp. While Henry doesn’t have to sleep outside, he sneaks out to wait for Monica in case she arrives. Monica wants to scare the boys inside their building and they do by screaming a bit in front of the boys’ cots. They freak out for a second but then are pleasantly surprised. Until Max arrives with a gun and shoots up the ceiling scaring everyone. Henry tells him to calm down that it’s just some girls from the other camp and Max calms down. He tells the boys it’s alright if the girls come over but they need to be quiet. But the girls don’t come back over and the boys have no luck finding their camp in the dark.Every time Henry has to run, he has a tendency to trip and fall on his face. Not to mention he can’t run very far. Then the Survival Games have started. You can get hit three times in the chest or twice in the arm or leg counting as one hit. There are weapons in boxes around the forest as well as other goodies. While they are off playing the game, Max gets a visit from the mafia who is owed money by Max’s boss who told them that Max was actually his partner and who had the money. Max explains this to them and that the kids have left for the summer. They kill Max just as Henry is coming back to camp after being the first person to get killed by Erik. Henry manages to get away from them and runs into the woods finding Erik who he tells what is going on, but Erik doesn’t believe him at first. But once he does it becomes only a matter of time before the others come back to camp and meet up with the bad guys so they must find a way to protect the others.What follows is a madcap adventure of the campers versus the bad guys in a hilarious adventure fit for the movie it will eventually be turned into. This camp will teach Henry that there are more important things to fear than seahorses and that he could have spent a good deal of time swimming rather than being afraid of the water and that he’s tougher than he thought he was. Monica is one tough girl who can seriously kick ass. Randy is pretty tough himself and a good best friend to have. Erik isn’t all he’s cracked up to be. This book is funny as hell and I give it five out of five stars.QuotesWilderness Survival Tip! Rest forty-five minutes for every hour that you hike. If you’re hiking fast or over rough terrain, increase that number to forty-nine. Hiking isn’t any fun if your legs get tired.-Jeff Strand (I Got a Very Bad Feeling About This p 29)Wilderness Survival Tip! If you need to start a fire, you and burn the pages of this very book. Yes, you’ll hurt the author’s feelings, but that’s okay. Your life is more important. (If you’re reading this as an e-book, setting it on fire is not recommended.)-Jeff Strand (I Got A Bad Feeling About This p 42)You can’t start a fire on purpose, but you can build a shelter that bursts into flames when if falls apart? How is that even possible by any known laws of nature?-Jeff Strand (I Got a Very Bad Feeling About This p 77)Henry if you drown in water that doesn’t even come up to your waist, I will go after your entire family. I mean it.-Jeff Strand (I Have a Very Bad Feeling About This p 103)
Reviewer: Bunne
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Liked it alot
Review: Didn’t think I would like it but it kind of reminded me of the little it was very enjoyable and felt proud of the boys
Reviewer: BCzysz
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Funny read, enjoyable characters
Review: Even as an older adult I enjoyed the story. Author paints the characters well, can mentally picture them. Would have enjoyed reading this as a teenager but still worked for an enjoyable read as a person halfway through life.
Reviewer: Jaime
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great for your teen that isn’t a reading fan
Review: My 13 1/2 year old really enjoyed it, at first he thought it was gonna be “cheesy”, but then he started chuckling and truly enjoyed it! We were both chuckling at the humor in the book when he would read it out loud. Great way to keep him engaged while getting that reading time in.
Reviewer: Blair McNea
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book – a 9yr old reviews
Review: Fun story, intense at times, lots ofLaughing out loud at linesNeeds more pictures. Ha!I used Audible version.
Reviewer: Connie
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: It was interesting
Review: I am a huge Jeff Strand fan, so when I read this book I though it was a bit childish, I think a teenager might have enjoyed it more.
Reviewer: JAMIE A
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Kid loved it
Review: I was tired of my 13yr old reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid so I bought him this book. Figured it was similar. He hates when I buy books for him because he thinks I can’t choose books he would like. He actually really liked this book and said he thought it was better than Diary of a Wimpy Kid as it had more “action” in it.
Reviewer: PMSteve
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Unlike Any Summer Camp I Ever Went To… Thank God!
Review: I Have a Bad Feeling About This… as well you should!Henry Lambert and his best friend, Randy are shipped off to survival camp by their parents for a two week course… intended to make men out of two teens who were decidedly not men. When they arrived, they met three other teens in the same situation.Their camp councellor/instructor is Max, a gung-ho military drill instructor. Dressed in camo clothing with bulging muscles. Although intimidating, he’s really not that bad a guy.The boys do push-ups, run, eat meals fit for a king, if said king was a prize hog. The outhouse has something alive in the bottom of the pit that scares little kids. The boys attack their survival lessons with varying degrees of success and enthusiasm. They are all trying to learn what they can so they can compete in the final survival games at the end of the two weeks course.All goes well until a stretch limo arrives with Mr. Grand and his two thugs. It seems that the owner of the camp owes the local mob a lot of money, and the ‘boys’ are here to collect, already having dealt with the owner. Naturally, Max doesn’t have a clue about the owner’s problems, which leads to an unfortunate conflict with Mr. Grand.The boys are required to finish their survival course early and make an effort to deal with three gun-toting thugs… or die trying. Aided by a heart throb clarinet player from the nearby music camp, the boys and girl take on the thugs in action reminiscent of the ‘Home Alone’ films.This is a funny book! It’s quite suitable for children 10 and up through adult. There is some blood and mayhem involved. The outhouse comes close to claiming a victim. A crippled bird almost fatally attacks a man and a fake grenade is used to great effect. There’s also some inadvertent facial waxing with a frying pan and eyelashes are torn out along with some nose twisting.All in all, this is a really fun book! I enjoyed it immensly. The characters are real and the humor is addicting. In addition, the reader is supplied with some great Survival Tips, which, if followed, will probably cause death or serious bodily harm.Strand has a truly demented sense of humor, it truly shines forth in, I Have a Bad Feeling About This. Buy it. You’ll like it.
Reviewer: BookEater
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: He does it again. Another laugh out loud stupidly idiotic funny book.There is a rumour that Jeff Strand is a background character in the book. I couldn’t spot him, maybe he was wearing Camouflage. LolKeep em coming JeffBookEater
Reviewer: High toned sob
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: typical strand very wacky very stupid but compelling reading read one and you have to read them all out standing author!!!!!!!!
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