Who Was Abraham Lincoln?

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Customers find the book educational and engaging for young readers. They appreciate the biography of historical figures and the series quality. The pictures are fun and helpful in picturing the story.

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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:

Born to a family of farmers, Lincoln stood out from an early age—literally! (He was six feet four inches tall.) As sixteenth President of the United States, he guided the nation through the Civil War and saw the abolition of slavery. But Lincoln was tragically shot one night at Ford’s Theater—the first President to be assassinated. Over 100 black-and-white illustrations and maps are included.

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great series
Review: I love this series for my son. They are a quick easy read for him, but he absolutely loves them and read them multiple times. He just turned to eight years old and can get through them pretty quick usually and one or two seatings. They are very educational and get some curious to learn more which I love. Definitely highly recommend the series.

Reviewer: Joe Androvandi
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fun Book
Review: Great book about President Lincoln. Lots of fun facts about his life and a easy way to learn about him.

Reviewer: Carrie
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: High Interest Chapter Book
Review: I’m a 2nd grade teacher and my students love Who Was Books so much that I keep having to replace them in my classroom library!

Reviewer: Philip D. McGaughey
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book for kids!
Review: Great book for kids! I got these for my local children’s library from their wish list. The kids are excited about reading them.

Reviewer: AH
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Awesome Series!
Review: I wish I could write a review for the entire series! I bought these for my 4th/5th grader and had him read them before we went to Boston and New York this summer – we did 6 Cub Sout trails and read about Paul Revere, The Boston Tea Party, Washington, Jefferson, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, before going…we had to save Gettysburg and Lincoln for next summer though (though we did one of the Lincoln trails in DC 3 years ago). It involved him more in the hikes, he knew what he was seeing, and was able to make a connection and understanding better…which will help with American History in 5th grade this year and his attention deficiencies in school. We read every night as a part of the school reading program and these are perfect for him. The books have helped build his comprehension and improve his reading confidence since being diagnosed with dyslexia.

Reviewer: Goddess of Chaos
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: “The world will little note nor long remember what we say here,…”
Review: This book does a nice job of walking the reader through the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, noting he didn’t succeed at everything he tried, but he kept trying. He saw why slavery was a challenging issue for his country, his time and all the people in it, and he sought a solution that abided by the law of the land, even as he helped work to improve the laws… and the solution.One of the things I particularly enjoyed was how this book pointed out the limited education available to so many at the time of Lincoln’s childhood, and yet he understood if he could learn to read, then he could read about, and learn, anything.

Reviewer: Me
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Interesting
Review: My son had to read about a President and do a report where he dressed up and told kids interesting facts. My 10 year old son thought that the book was easy to read and he learned a lot of things that we didn’t know about Lincoln. He said he would recommend this book to anyone who likes Presidents or needs a biography for a school project.

Reviewer: NTHCC
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Interesting Story
Review: This reading is very appropriate for ESL beginners. I recommend it!

Reviewer: BENARD Paula
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: En 16 pages, tout sur l’essentiel de la vie de ce grand homme (ainsi que de sa famille proche) nous est relatée. Très utile pour LLCE anglais et études supérieures.

Reviewer: Littera
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Abraham Lincoln ist sicherlich einer der bekanntesten und berühmtesten Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.Mit “Who was Abraham Lincoln?” (geschrieben 2008) versucht Janet Pascal jungen Lesern im Alter von 8 bis 11 Jahren diese historische Persönlichkeit näher zu bringen.Erzählt wird von der schweren Kindheit des späteren Präsidenten, seinen ersten Schritten im Geschäftsleben und wie er entdeckt, dass er ein politisches Talent hat.Seine Ehe und die wundervolle Art und Weise wie er mit seinen Kindern umgeht, wird genauso dargestellt, wie die schweren Schicksalsschläge, die er zu erleiden hat.Aber auch die großen historischen Umwälzungen und Probleme jener Zeit werden, zwar vereinfacht, aber dadurch nicht minder klar und verständlich, beschrieben.Der Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Nord- und Südstaaten nimmt breiten Raum ein und man sieht in welche Gewissenskonflikte Abraham Lincoln dadurch gerät.Die Frage der Sklaverei ist von zentraler Bedeutung – sowohl für das Buch, wie auch für das Leben des Präsidenten.Auch seine Ermordung wird nicht ausgespart – doch alles ist altersgerecht dargestellt und macht dennoch deutlich, was für ein einschneidendes Geschehnis dies in der amerikanischen Geschichte gewesen ist – immerhin war Abraham Lincoln der erste Präsident, der einem Attentat zum Opfer fiel.Insgesamt bieten diese 112 Seiten einen wirklich interessanten Einblick in das Leben und Wirken dieses großen Mannes.Die hervorragenden Illustrationen von Nancy Harrison und John O’Brien ergänzen auf großartige Weise dieses Buch und machen es für junge Leser noch interessanter in die Vergangenheit einzutauchen und mehr darüber zu erfahren.Fünf Sterne für ein wunderschön gestaltetes Buch, welches durch seine zahlreichen Zeichnungen und die Schreibweise junge Leser anspricht und ihnen so Wissen vermittelt, ohne zu langweilen oder zu ermüden. Absolut empfehlenswert.

Reviewer: A
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Amazing series this one..I have almost all the books of this series as my 11 yr old loves them all ..this one in particular is not much for kids as I suppose there’s a lot of mention of violence hence I deduct one star in here

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 👍❤️

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Love it well written my favorite who was book

Price effective as of Mar 16, 2025 01:23:49 UTC

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