Customers say
Customers find the book an instructive and entertaining read for beginners in street photography. They appreciate the informative narrative and beautiful, inspiring photos. The book is described as a sweet little book with an eye for juxtaposing subject matter.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
“Never does that old maxim ‘the harder I practice, the luckier I get’ ring truer.” – Matt Stuart
Street photography may look like luck, but you have to get out there and hone your craft if you want to shake up those luck vibes. Matt Stuart never goes out without his trusty Leica and, in a career spanning twenty years, has taken some of the most accomplished, witty and well-known photographs of the streets.
From understanding how to be invisible on a busy street, to anticipating a great image in the chaos of a crowd, Matt Stuart reveals in over 20 chapters the hard-won skills and secrets that have led to his greatest shots. He explains his purist and uniquely playful approach to street photography leaving the reader full of ideas to use in their own photography. Illustrated throughout with 100 of Stuart’s images, this is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the finest street photographers around.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Rhino
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book
Review: That picture is mine. The book will make you a better street photographer at least that’s what I’m going to use what I have learned from the book. You won’t be disappointed.
Reviewer: OB Slivers
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Concise pertinent information for street photography .
Review: Great visuals and explanations as to approaching the street.
Reviewer: Mark Holston
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Chaotic Streets
Review: There are a handful of truly stunning images in this book — the kind of shots that make all the hours of waiting for the right elements to come together well worth it. Too many, however, lack a sense of purpose and suffer from a disciplined approach to cropping. Part of the problem lies with the small size of the book. Many of these images would make more sense if they were presented in a larger format. As a rule, photography books should not be published in such small formats. It does no justice to the art form. Stuart does have an eye for the juxtaposition of subject matter, and this talent produces some interesting photos. Too many of the images reflect chaotic street scenes with competing subjects of interest — the opposite of the charming photo that adorns the book’s cover. This smiling leaf on the sidewalk is an example of what can result when the street photographer discovers a singular and compelling image of interest amidst the visual cacophony of a busy urban landscape. It’s too bad more of the book’s images don’t reflect this aesthetic. The photographer’s narrative is instructive — a good read.
Reviewer: JazzBassMan
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Think like a street photographer
Review: This was a very encouraging and inspirational book with lots of great ideas and techniques for street photography. A great book for anyone starting out or looking to start out in street photography.
Reviewer: Charlie
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: I like that he doesn’t dwell on gear.
Review: Having read this book may not make a street photographer out of me but it’s given me something to think about
Reviewer: JM
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Practical and entertaining
Review: This an instructive quick read and inspired me to go out and hit the street – and gave me tons of ideas.
Reviewer: Mubarak
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Excellent tips
Review: The book is full with beautiful, inspiring photos. It is not focused on the technical side but on how you think as a street photographer. The beautiful photos are as a result of dedication, planning and putting a lot of effort and time. The result is amazing photos.
Reviewer: Jorge
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Wonderful read
Review: I would recommend this book to anyone. Great read.
Reviewer: Andreas P.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Dieses Buch hat mir eine andere Herangehensweise an die Street Photography gezeigt. Ein sehr inspirierendes Buch, welches ganz ohne technische Erklärungen auskommt und sich somit voll auf den nicht-technischen Aspekt der Street Photography konzentriert. Sehr empfehlenswert!!
Reviewer: Regolare
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Quante volte, guardando una foto, avete pensato del fotografo che è stato molto fortunato?Se siete convinti che certe fortune non capitano così spesso avete assolutamente ragione. Questo libro illustra e dimostra chiaramente che si è molto fortunati quando la fortuna ce la si va a cercare. Inoltre fornisce dei suggerimenti per farlo.In ognuno dei 20 capitoli si affronta un argomento specifico, ci vengono fornite belle fotografie di esempio e vengono proposti dei suggerimenti per migliorare come fotografi e anche un po’ come persone.Non è un libro pretenzioso o autocelebrativo. L’ho trovato onesto e scritto non solo con l’intento di istruire, ma anche di aiutare a vivere con maggior piacere l’atto di fotografare.Se non vi intimorisce leggere un libro di fotografia in inglese è assolutamente consigliato.
Reviewer: Rishabh S.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Being a photographer I know, it’s good to know about the mindset and learnings of the other photographers. It doesn’t gives a new perspective
Reviewer: Ed Jones
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Matt’s title says it all. His book ignores the extraneous and unimportant stuff like gear, pushes past the ego and cuts to the things that matter, a mindset, ethics and headspace that will free the reader to create. In a space where many street photographers try to maintain a mystique and hold their knowledge as tightly guarded secrets, Matt is candid and honest, a literal “open book”
Reviewer: Marian Aretu
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I discovered this book 2 days ago. Yesterday I had it waiting for me after work. Today I finished it and I want to go out and walk my camera through the streets, any streets, all the streets!This book inspires even from the front cover, back cover and anywhere in between! I will definitely check out Matt’s other books!
Price effective as of Mar 15, 2025 08:42:45 UTC
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