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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Updated to reflect recent exams given in various parts of the country, Barron’s Court Officer Exam provides solid test preparation for applicants taking federal, state, and local court officer exams. This edition features:
Test-taking tips and a diagnostic testFour model exams typical of those currently being administered throughout the countryAnswers to all test questions and self-diagnostic proceduresInformation on current trends in court systems to rely on oral interviews and computerized testing in the process of selecting court officers. The authors advise on ways to attain a high score in both areas.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Edward
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing Book!
Review: I love Barron’s Books, are a perfect study guide with hepful information you will need to pass any examination.
Reviewer: bktiff88
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: This book is the truth!
Review: Passed my exam with this baby right here. Do the practice questions. It helps you pass. Make sure you read over the answers especially if you get it wrong. That’s how you learn why the correct answer is that answer for that specific question.
Reviewer: IRISH MIKE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very informative book
Review: However I decided not to Perdue this career change but the book would help a lot to prepare for the court exam in any state
Reviewer: William
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Excellent study guide
Review: Excellent book to use if you want to study for the Court officers exam. I have always been a fan of Barrons. There is over 300 pages of study material, questions and answers, explanations, tips what to do thr night before the test, and how to study.
Reviewer: Microusb to HDMI
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Court Officer Exam
Review: the book help you to take the exam and perview some exam tactic
Reviewer: Joseph Guliano
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Important information for taking the test
Review: I purchased this book because I plan on taking the court officer exam. It definitely has all the information and knowledge that I need to know to pass the test.
Reviewer: Cris1204
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Get it!! Highly recommended
Review: This book is so helpful!! It breaks down all the information you need to know. Not only for court officer we exam, but also for other exams.
Reviewer: C.B.
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Read the review
Review: While this book is pretty good at giving you an idea of what the court officer exam is like, it’s ultimately ineffective because it’s not a test that you can really study for. This exam, police officer exams and similar tests aren’t tests where you can study particular things to know more answers. They’re exams force you to use common sense, memorization and reading skills to figure out the answers. So studying is pretty much pointless. If you think knowing what kind of questions are on the exam will help you, then this book is good for doing that. In my opinion, it’s useless.
Price effective as of Mar 14, 2025 20:58:52 UTC
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