Customers say
Customers find the book informative and a good introduction to Unitarian Universalism. They describe it as an easy read with an engaging narrative that starts off with a great little story. The writing style is described as clear and easy to understand, providing a good understanding of the faith for lay readers.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
An updated edition of the classic introduction to the history and beliefs of Unitarian Universalism—from a senior minister of the Unitarian Church
For those contemplating religious choices, Unitarian Universalism offers an appealing alternative to religious denominations that stress theological creeds over individual conviction and belief.
Featuring two new chapters, a revealing and entertaining foreword by best-selling author Robert Fulghum, and a new preface by UU moderator Denise Davidoff, this updated edition of the classic introductory text on Unitarian Universalism explores the many sources of the living tradition of this ‘chosen faith’.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Kindle Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A good explanation of basic Unitarian Universalist thought.
Review: I’ve enjoyed this book very much and will use it as a reference book for many years. The basic philosophy of Unitarian Universalism is well described and its historical events well documented. It speaks volumes about the attitudes and hopes of modern liberal religious leaders today. This book explains the similarities of human religious thought all over the world. I like this groups embrace of diversity, respect for others religious beliefs, and it’s never ending search for truth and understanding about the mystery of life.I’d recommend this book for everyone, whether you agree with it or not. This religious philosophy, in my opinion, is a step in the right direction.
Reviewer: Brandon & Heather Cox
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great Read!!!
Review: I liked this book. People who are interested in faith studies should be interested in reading this book… One of the things that was especially interesting is the author’s writing style and ability to get his message across. Overall, this book was very well written and I highly recommend to those who have not read. To those who have read it – read it again!
Reviewer: David
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Good introduction to the UU church, will not answer deep theological questions
Review: This book is what its title says it is: an introduction to Unitarian Universalism. It combines a brief history of the denomination (which, in one respect, goes back centuries, but in another goes back to the 1961 merger of the Unitarian and Universalist denominations, whereupon the Unitarian Universalist Association ceased to be a “liberal Christian” denomination and became the “non-creedal religion” it is today) with an overview of UU principles, mixed with the author’s personal reminiscences.Unitarian Universalism is a tough religion to categorize or summarize. For those used to faiths where you are given a creed to follow and answers to life’s deep questions, it can be difficult to understand the appeal of a religion that gives you questions rather than answers. There are no “authoritative” answers within the church regarding the existence of God or the nature of souls and the afterlife or why good people suffer, so the author of this book can only give his personal opinion without presuming to speak for Unitarian Universalism in general.If you want to know more about Unitarian Universalism in general, this is a good book to start with. If you are wondering whether Unitarian Universalism might be the “right” religion for you, then you won’t find the answer to that in this or any book. You need to attend a UU church and talk to the members of the congregation and see if it’s a good “fit” for you. And be aware that no two UU congregations are the same — some are heavily theistic, with a lot of spiritual/religious overtones (though none explicitly endorse or require members to believe in a deity), while others are much more “humanist.” Some UU congregations are even explicitly pagan/”Earth-centered” in nature, though these are rare. The point is, if one congregation doesn’t feel right to you, you might find another one does. You will find some UU members who are very comfortable with “religious language” while others recoil at any mention of God. Some regard this as a positive thing about Unitarian Universalism, the fact that it is so personal and unique to each individual’s experience, others find the lack of uniformity or consensus frustrating.I think it is this tension between “theists” and “humanists” within the UUA that prompted a previous reviewer’s negative review of this book. As an atheist UU myself, I disagree with his assessment that this book is “hostile” to humanists/atheists. The thing is, the author is more theistic himself and so he has a more benevolent view of Unitarian Universalism’s theistic (Christian, in fact) heritage. He doesn’t explicitly say “There is a God,” and admits he’s unsure, but one gets the impression that he believes in some sort of higher power or at least would like to, and so he has a kindly attitude towards fellow believers. This may grate on determinedly atheistic UUs who would prefer that there be no mention at all of deities or spirituality in UU services. Personally, I don’t find such religious references offensive as long as I am not being asked to subscribe personally to a belief in any gods or made to feel excluded because I don’t. But as far as theology goes, this book only offers the author’s PERSONAL theology; it cannot lay out a theological foundation for all UUs, because every UU approaches theology differently.
Reviewer: JudyLamb
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fascinating book
Review: So glad my son made me aware of this book. Powerful reading!
Reviewer: Darla T
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: This book is about a very liberal doctrine of believing.
Review: This explains from the very begining of the UU Fellowship’s creation and beyond. How many of our country’s leaders in the 1770s follow this concept of religion.
Reviewer: Joan DeArtemis
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: An Excellent Overview
Review: As an Unitarian Universalist going through the ordination process, I found this book both easy and enjoyable to read, and full of fun facts that I did not know! For example, I never knew that Margot Adler (the author of the extremely important and informative “Drawing Down the Moon”), was also a Unitarian Universalist! Fabulous book… I HIGHLY recommend it!
Reviewer: jmartin
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A friendly Catholic
Review: Overall, I enjoyed and found helpful this introduction to Unitarian Univeralism. But, you must know a but is coming.However (I fooled you!) I must say I chuckled at some of the themes that Revs. Buehrens and Church emphasized.1. The claim to be a non-hierarchical church. Buehrens himself was the president of the UUA–not all that different from being the pope. I think you have local supervisors. Another word for supervisor is “bishop.” BTW, concerning Catholics, maybe 1% of an average day has anything to do with the pope. Maybe 2% of the same day has anything to do with the bishop. 97% of the time we are congregationalists.2. The claim to be non-credal. But what are the six sources? What are the 10 beliefs of Rev. David Rankin in the book’s introduction? If you say that “they are not creeds, they are suggestions,” I tell you, that is the way that the majority of Catholics take their creed.3. The claim to all inclusiveness, toleration, and non-judgementalism. How are pro-life UU’s treated, if there are any? Rankin (#6) states that “we believe in the worth and dignity of every human being.” Certainly a pre-born baby is human; he/she isn’t animal or vegetable or mineral. Is she/he a “being?” I think so, as opposed to a non-being. In 1966, my brother was born at 6 months maturity, at 2lbs, 13 oz. He was given a 1% chance of living. Now he is about 222lbs. No one says anyone should go to jail; that is a ‘straw man’ argument. Just that it should be left to the states, contra Roe v Wade, and that it be recognized as ‘not a good thing, to be avoided.’ Apparently, Susan B. Anthony and many of the original feminists were against abortion.Would a UU who said “my sense of justice requires that those who take a life should forfeit their life” be tolerated?4.) There seemed to be too much emphasis on “fundamentalists” as bogey men/women. Where’s the tolerance, the love, the acceptance, even if you don’t have to think alike with them?At any rate, thank you for this introduction, and I look forward to learning more about your denomination.
Reviewer: Michaela & CHLOE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Fast delivery good book
Reviewer: Lisa
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: informative
Reviewer: あらいやすまさ
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 1938生れ、男子、日本人です。 家は仏教です。本著を、仲間と輪講します。 この本の学習にあたっての見解をかきます。私の焦点は、先駆者であるエマーソンです。かれの提唱する価値の多元化をこえていく思想が、重要なヒントが この本に語られているとみています。実際にユニタリアンがそれをいかにあうかは、教えられるところは大きいとみています。 ところで、この夏から、東京工業大学名誉教授橋爪大三郎さんが主宰する新しい宗教社会学研究会は「ユニタリアン」です。ここで この本が使われます。輪講会です。 この段階で書評を書くには早すぎますが 輪講の一番バッターで 序論を読み日本語粗訳をしましたのですこし資格ができたかとおもいます。 この本にあげられたkeywords、特に エマーソンに着目して この本のもつ世界史的特に日本における意味を考え一文としました。 したがって、この本をよむ意味を書くことが 目下の書評となります。 後日 再度 書評を加えます。 題 ことばあそびとしての エマーソンユニタリアンから入るのはすこしあとにして、この運動に深い影響をあたえたひとりから入りました。エマーソンです。 詩人で、哲学者です。このひとをもって、アメリカの思想のスタートとなると歴史的評価を受けています。*Ralph Wald Emerson(1803‐1882)参考: 彼の活躍した時代背景としてはプロテスタンティズムが定着した時代でした。勤勉であるべしといった禁欲的な定言的命令がつよく支配していたようです。 本来自由の精神からでたものであっても、国が大きく発展する時代の若者には、押し付けられた意志の自由という点で息苦しさがあったようです。 女性参政権や奴隷開放運動など 自由にして、尊厳のある個人という思潮が起こってきた時代でもありました。 *エマーソンからネットで入りますと 以下のことばが目にはいりました:*Individualism 個人主義*Transcendentalism超越主義*Intellectualism at Havard University 知性主義(ハーヴァード大)参考 ここで一番注目したのはTranscendentalism超越主義でした。このことばから連想するのは やはり、カントの道徳哲学が源流です。そういう目で 追います; *Hedge(哲学者)、カントの哲学を学ぶためにドイツに留学したあとハーバードでEmersonの友人になったひとで、直接に影響を与えたといいます。ここで目にとまったことばは以下です;*ドイツ哲学と聖書批判学*カント「批判哲学」*(超越主義)*格律と道徳律参考 カント哲学では、人が自らが設定する価値基準として「格律」を、さらに超越的感性を経てひとに普遍性をせまる「道徳律」をおきます。この二つの調和を目指すのが(超越主義)です。エマーソンの哲学もここからスタートしていると理解します。ところで この段階にいたると この「超越」つまり「超越者」は すでにユダヤ教やキリスト教の神でもあってもよし、仏陀でもよし、道教の天帝でも いったん 伝統固有の属性(アトリビュート)が、そぎ落とされるとみます。 (カントはここまでは用意してくれたとみます)つまり、多文化・多元主義へと意味論的な基盤を提供することになります。私は、カントの偉大さのひとつは ここにあると思います。そうして、つぎのことばあそびにはいります;Liberty of Christian(キリスト者の自由)*Unitarian(ユニタリアン)かれらは エマーソンの思想をくみ、キリスト教のひとつの宗派として成立しましたが、いまは すっかり多文化・多元主義を目指しています。むしろ、キリスト教の表看板を外し、1961年に*Unitarian-Universalistsという思想運動(宗教)になりました。A Chosen Faith、この本の位置づけは ここからはじまります。三番目の ことばあそびは 日本です。*Nonchurch Movement(Mukyokai)無教会派*Kanzo Uchimura(1861‐1930)内村鑑三 ClarkeとEmersonとの結びつきに興味があります。Kanzo Uchimuraは第二次大戦前、日本を代表する思想家として知られていたそうです。そういえば、Unitarianは 日本の戦前からの新興宗教運動にかなり似ています。 (こどものころ 父につれていってもらった「生長の家」などを連想します)四番目のことばあそびは、アメリカの代表的哲学であるプラグマティズムです。*エマーソンとパース(プラグマティズムの先駆者)とのつながりに興味を持ちます。 概して 私の関心は、カントの哲学と現代との筋道のところにあります。クジラを食するか、食さないか。 犬を食するか、食さないかなど 異文化間での価値には相互の「共約不可能性」とよばれる壁があります。克服する方法のひとつは、いったん超越主義の次元にまで 意識レベルの上昇して 相互の理解をする場が必要であると考えます。カントの道徳哲学がこの壁を超えるヒントとして アメリカの哲学や思想のなかで脈々と源泉となっていることにあらためて注目したいと考えました。 これは世界の思想史のなかでも特筆されることであろうとおもいます。そういう目で 内村鑑三を読み直す意味もありそうです。また、そういう背景を背負って開国間もない日本に ミッションとして生涯をささげたひとたち 個人的にはヘボン博士に興味をいだきます。すこし、話の次元が違うかもしれませんが、先の大戦で、学徒動員で出征する大学生のリュックに文庫本のカントを忍ばていたという話をふと思い出しました。~~~~~ そういう観点で 本A Chose Faith を輪講会をすすめていきます。本のフォワードで、ファルガムさんの書店という聖なる知的空間論を示し自ら哲学をして自分の神学を作る意味をかたること。 プリフェースでデニーズ・ダヴィドフさんのユダヤ教社会かのなかでの緊迫感、自らが選ぶ信仰とそれに伴う哲学的な学習高揚感の表明、イントロダクションで フォレスト・チャーチが 教会で自らの思想を語りあうことによって、内的な認識と、格律を高めていくプロセスを紹介する。 native english speakerでなくても 語り口が新鮮で、文章が平易なので この世界に容易にはいっていけるとおもいます。
Reviewer: Pam
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Bought as a gift
Reviewer: Ms. J. Jacobs
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Excellent introduction to Unitarianism. Quotable words on virtually every page.
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