Gentlemen Take Polaroids – SHM Paper Sleeve

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Reviewer: David Simon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: They developed into such a great band, and this recording/album sounds fantastic though is very over priced for what it is, and so be it! My then girlfriend (Roz) and me were mad for Sylvian & Co, revisiting this terrific SACD version of their fourth album reminds me just how good they were, and so much more than over made-up fopps caught up in a New Romantic media hype period of music. That voice is a cracker, unique even, and combined with Mick Karn’s amazing magical bass Rifferey (a real word thank you) plus subtle percussion and then bold blasts of rythm from Steve Jansen (I.e Methods of Dance) made a perfect rhythmic foil for the band, and are both unsung hero’s of 80’s music in my view. Not much room here for Rob Dean’s guitar talents, and you do get a sense he was being quietly sidelined tbh. The songs here are synth heavy sure and full of Sylvian’s drive to make the band something else, after ‘Quiet Life’s’ murmerings to that end. There is a cold even aloof vibe here, and that’s fine with something like ‘Burning Bridges’ easily fitting on Bowie’s ‘Low’ album tbh. Their classic Whistle Test appearance in December 80, drove home the need to see them live, and I did the following year much to my delight! (Brum Odeon) Though the Tin Drum album gave them that final push towards public appreciation, this set of songs is far richer and inviting in my view. Glad to own this again, and the 2003 re-mastering does these wonderful muscians a real credit, if you think what was in the charts at that time (‘There’s no one quite like Grandma’ St. Winifred school choir – no really) …dear lord make it stop! So, an expensive trip down Nostalgia Avenue for me! and an album to cherish!!

Reviewer: テクノロジカル
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 坂本龍一教授が参加しています。とても素晴らしいです。

Reviewer: Dale Hachi Cooper
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: ボーナストラックでは何と言っても当初アルバム収録が予定されていた「サム・カインド~」が重要でしょう。シルヴィアンのコンピ収録時にヴォーカルが録り直されたヴァージョンではありますが、『ジェントルメン・テイク・ポラロイズ』のタイトルのもとに収められた意義は大きい。ドラマティックな部分がポップなオリエンタリズムに置き換わってしまった『ティン・ドラム』よりも『クワイエット・ライフ』や本作の方が解散後のメンバーの活動に直結していると思えるし、現在では一般的評価も高いのではないかな。白眉はやはり「メソッズ・オブ・ダンス」でしょうか。ブレイクでのマリンバ(ふう)の音色には40年間、刺激を与えられっぱなしです。今回の紙ジャケ・ボートラ付き・SHⅯ-CD、入手困難になってプレミア化する前に『ティン・ドラム』ともども買っておいたほうが良さそうです。

Reviewer: XM
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Review: 「ヴァージン・ジャパンLP盤帯の意匠をミニチュア再現した巻き帯付」とあったので購入したが、全然違う。せっかく面倒な巻き帯を作ったのにもったいない。

Price effective as of Mar 14, 2025 01:49:55 UTC

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