Customers say
Customers find that the moisturizer hydrates dry skin effectively and keeps it moisturized throughout the day. They consider it a good value for money and appreciate its rich texture. Many customers like its softness, protection, and effectiveness. However, some have mixed opinions on the scent, thickness, and greasiness of the product.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
INTENSIVELY HYDRATES DRY SKIN: the ultimate moisturizer for dry, rough skin, this rich, botanical formula transforms skin to appear more luminous
MAXIMUM COVERAGE: just a small dab can nurture skin, ensuring every part of your body is hydrated and moisturized
ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE: apply anywhere on your body. This body cream is all you need for a healthy-looking glow that can be added to your daily routine.
PLANT-RICH INGREDIENTS: hydrates with extracts of rosemary, chamomile, and pansy in a nourishing base of sunflower and sweet almond oils to help unlock the look of radiance. Certified Natural by NATRUE.
THE WELEDA COMMITMENT: Our products are free from parabens and phthalates, synthetic fragrances or preservatives. We use flower, fruit and root extracts, minerals and essential oils, carefully selected and orchestrated to work with body’s own systems.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Sarah
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing
Review: This stuff is fabulous and I’ll never be without it! I slather it on my face nightly and it does wonders for my skin. Smells delightful and my skin feels so supple and soft. It’s a thicker consistency, but it absorbs well. Seriously one of my faves and I’ve used a plethora of expensive skincare products.
Reviewer: Jade
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Been using over a year!
Review: As someone who has psoriasis and extremely dry cracked skin, I constantly have to mostorise my face, this stuff is amazing. It’s thick so a little goes a long way, has a fresh smell, it can be a little strong but I’ve gotten used to it and it’s worth the benefits. It also sits very well under makeup, I use it as my primer and my makeup sticks to it extremely well and lasts all day and keeps you hydrated so no flaky makeup! ! I will always keep this in my routine.
Reviewer: Rose
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Best moisturizer ever!
Review: Expensive but so worth it. I love the way it makes my skin feel. It smells good and the consistency is amazing
Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Incredible moisturizer for the price!
Review: I don’t review products very often, but I research reviews when I’m purchasing. For reference, I’m a healthy 54 year old woman with normal skin. Two years into menopause I’m finding my skin looks dehydrated as the day progresses. I read a Glamour magazine article that praised this moisturizer as the $10 dupe for LaMer Créme de La Mer so I decided to try it. I was skeptical at first because its consistency is thick, but I’ve been using this almost daily in the morning underneath my makeup (I let it absorb for 2-3 minutes before foundation) sometimes with an extra sunscreen step sometimes without and the finish is beautiful! My skin stays natural looking, slightly dewy with only one blot and powder session mid day after hot yoga on my lunch break. My skin looks amazing and no breakouts (although I’m not sensitive or break out prone). I highly recommend you try this, and if it doesn’t work for you on your face, it’s a wonderful hand moisturizer too!
Reviewer: Alyssa
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Love! Love! Love!
Review: I repurchase this every time I run out. I use it daily morning and night as moisturizer. Love that it’s non-toxic and leaves my skin feeling so moisturized. It is really thick and can be a little oily so if you don’t like that feeling this might not be for you.
Reviewer: Tammy S.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Love this Product! Don’t ever change ingredients!
Review: Truly is a skin food product! My skin loves this for hydration, glow and smells so good. Perfect for a quick radiant look that lasts almost all day for me. Just a slight dab on cheeks, chin, forehead, nose. Am happy about the 3pk
Reviewer: Quirk
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great moisturizer
Review: Great moisturizer – thick, with a pleasant smell, this cream is my go-to for dry hands and an extra hydrate for neck and facial skin – leaves a sheen – recommended by Ted Lasso star Hannah Waddingham, who has beautiful skin – have bought several times, will buy again
Reviewer: Alaskagal49
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Sinks Into Skin Akin to a Slow Moving Drain Requiring Drano
Review: Well, I bought this product as many folk have testified before me, because of the enthusiastic and gushing commentary from blogs and magazines. Do I like it? I’m not sure. I couldn’t care less about the fact the product contains lanolin. I’m a product of the 70’s and I distinctly remember my mom using some sort of lanolin product, so I’m not creeped out about that whole sheep by-product thing. That and mom used to keep Vitamin E oil in the fridge next to the Carob, so …I purchased the 2.5 oz tube and squeezed out what I thought was a small portion for my hands. Oh, the grease! I felt as if I was hit by the Exxon Valdez! The product sat on my hands, and sat, and sat. Oooh. I didn’t like this not “instant” absorption. Then, after a glass of wine, decided that I should try, as the packaging recommends in three languages, into my skin. Well, I must admit, it was akin to encouraging a slow moving drain to well, drain. The product did absorb into my skin, albeit reluctantly. I think if I used a smaller amount of product, less than a pea-sized droplet, I would have been happier. That being said, some 60 minutes after application, the product has absorbed into my skin and my hands are very smooth and happy. And shiny. I have shiny happy hands. Erhm. Then again, I’m a fan of REM, so …I don’t know (think) that I would try this product on my face as it wouldn’t absorb as easily (quickly) as I would like. After applying a product I like my skin to say, “Oh, thank you for the drink, kind lady”, and I’m telling you, and I have dry skin in winter, live in Alaska, if I used this product on my face, I’m-a thinking my face would unfriend me on Facebook. Just sayin’.I would use this product on my hands, elbows, feet, etc–any body part that is really dry that needs a little more TLC. Oh, and my cuticles and nails. This worked wonders on my cuticles and nails.The scent is wonderful! Little citrus-y and very much of Calendula, part of the Marigold family. It’s an acquired like, so if you’re not familiar with Calendula, you might want to skip. That being said, Calendula is known for it’s soothing properties–especially for folk who have tender skin. I did read the reviews of folk who used and said this product inflamed their skin. It didn’t inflame mine, but then again, I have Rosacea and didn’t use on my face.This product did come with a sample of Wild Rose Pampering Body Lotion. I read a review (and will leave one shortly) regarding this product, and must agree with the reviewer who said the scent wasn’t natural–it’s nice, but not true rose essence. It’s wanna-be faux rose essence. It’s not bad, just not pow! If that makes sense. I have a rose refreshing spray from Jurlique that is true rose essence–just the flower, no more. This one has a … I don’t know. As I sniff my skin, it’s developed a more beautiful tone and is more robust. Oh, and the lotion? My body drank it in as it it were Peter O’Toole from Lawrence of Arabia. This is exactly what I want in a lotion. As I said, will leave a separate review, veddy, veddy, nice.Overall, very pleased. Would I order again. Not sure.
Reviewer: P.G
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Cette crème est géniale. Son odeur est très agréable. J’apprécie son côté hydratant, la peau est comme apaisée instantanément. Le prix reste correct pour un produit d’une très grande qualité surtout qu’il faut en mettre une petite quantité à la fois
Reviewer: Sarah
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Nachdem ich eine Allergie gegen meine alte Augencreme entwickelt hatte, musste ich zwangsläufig meine Pflegeroutine überdenken. Ich habe bereits früher schon seeeeehr viel positives über diese Creme gehört (als Gesichtscreme) und dachte mir ich gebe ihr mal eine Chance. Nachdem meine heißgeliebte Creme von Clinique aufgebraucht war, war es an der Zeit der Skin Food Creme eine Chance zu geben.Sie ist super. Anders kann ich es nicht sagen. Meine Haut ist recht verwöhnt und ich kriege von vielen “billigen” Cremes einfach ziemlich viele Pickel. Von dieser hier absolut nicht. Keinerlei Allergie, Rötungen oder ähnliches. Ich benutze sie rein als Gesichtscreme, ich kann mir aber aufgrund der Reichhaltigkeit vorstellen das sie auch gut für jegliche anderen trockenen Hautstellen geeignet ist.Meine Pflegeroutine sah und sieht im Grunde so aus das ich mich abends abschminke, wasche und dann eine reichhaltige Pflege auftrage die über Nacht einzieht. Mein Gesicht spannt sofort nach der Reinigung, ist also tendenziell sehr trocken, bis auf den obligatorischen T-Zonen-Glanz. Morgens entferne ich die nächtliche, übriggebliebene Schicht sanft mit Mizellenwasser und trage dann Primer und Makeup auf. Das war’s.Eine wichtige Anmerkung auch bezüglich anderer Rezensionen hier: Die Creme zieht nicht ein. Tut mir leid aber das ist völlig utopisch. Sie ist von der Konsistenz sehr dick, ungefähr wie Bepanthen-Salbe sogar etwas dicker. Und genau so fettig. Das ist ein sehr guter Vergleich. Aber trotzdem angenehm und sehr beruhigend und pflegend. Ich benutze sie wie oben geschildert über Nacht, daher stört mich der “fettige Glanz” nicht. Aber sie ist absolut nicht als Makeup-Unterlage geeignet. Zumindest nicht in ihrem Ur-Zustand. Falls ich nicht drum herum komme, massiere ich sie ein, warte 15min und tupfe dann vorsichtig und ohne Reiben die glänzende Schicht mit einem sauberen Kosmetiktuch ab. Da bleibt immernoch eine reichhaltiges Gefühl auf der Haut übrig, zum “Schichten” mit Primer, Makeup usw. etwas ungewohnt aber es funktioniert.Um ehrlich zu sein ist so derart reichhaltig das sie nicht nur mein Gesicht super pflegt – um genau zu sein spare ich mir seitdem die Augencreme. Sie brennt nicht in den Augen und spendet sehr viel Feuchtigkeit. Ich kenne die All About Eyes von Clinique und was-weiß-ich-alles für Cremes, alle sollen Feuchtigkeit spenden und Falten minimieren. Mag sein, aber ich habe noch nie eine Creme gesehen die meine Augenfalten, speziell am Unterlid, so gut pflegt. Ich halte absolut nichts von solchen Aussagen das eine Creme Falten verschwinden lässt oder ähnliches. Ich benutze die Creme bereits seit 5 Monaten täglich – aber wenn ich meine Augen mit dieser Creme eincreme sind meine Falten deutlich weniger ausgeprägt. Sie sind nicht weg, aber die Haut ist einfach absolut nicht trocken und die trockene Textur, die Falten richtig auffällig macht ist einfach nicht vorhanden. Das ist die erste Creme die (bei mir) genug Feuchtigkeit spendet um wirklich einen Unterschied zu machen.
Reviewer: Flair
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I love this cream; I mainly use it for my hands, but it works on dry skin wherever you need it. It is the best hand cream I have ever used and I have tried so many over the years. This one stands out as you only have to use a small amount. It is particularly good for my cuticles which can get dry & hard and no other hand cream has really helped this issue.It is thick and initially leaves your skin shiny but it soaks in and the shiny goes. It has a rather sharp smell which reminds me of eucalyptus. I’m not keen on the smell but I love the product so much I have accepted it. It’s rather expensive considering the amount of product; but if it works I am prepared to pay the price. My only complaint – I wish it came in a larger tube.If you have dry hands, give this a try you won’t be disappointed.I restrict it to my hands as there are other good lotions or creams for the body that are more cost effective.Although I can purchase this from my local health food stores it is cheaper on Amazon.
Reviewer: Soluna Indalia
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: My face skin totally colapsed the passed winter and was super dry and just trubble. I’ve read about this product and the bennefits it provides. And my face is sooooo soft, looks amazing and I just love it so much. Will buy again ofc 🙏🥰💯
Reviewer: Nicole
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: This moisturizer is seriously good stuff. It’s super hydrating and keeps my skin feeling great all day. I love the scent, it’s really fresh and natural. It’s a little thick, but it soaks in nicely. Definitely recommend giving it a try!
Price effective as of Mar 13, 2025 03:05:33 UTC
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