Legend: The Complete Series

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Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: J. M. L. Smith
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great Series
Review: Great series, good stories, exceptional acting. Sorry it didn’t stay on the air.

Reviewer: T. D. Taylor
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Legend is nearly Legendary.
Review: What could better that RDA playing the slightly larger than life Nicodemus Legend and the writer of his novels, Ernest Pratt? Well, the actor that personified ‘Q’ playing a thinly veiled Tesla-wannabe.- Consider Legend a less violent “Brisco County Jr.”, if you will, crossed with a more up-to-date “Wild, Wild West”. The wonderful teaming of Anderson and de Lancie hold it all together nicely. The stories are mostly solid, the guest casting is solid and the music is very good.- I am enjoying this, as I missed it on the original telecasts in ’95. I am glad I purchased this!Note: other reviews have noted poor picture and garbage packaging. 1) the packaging is modern plastic packaging, not fancy but functional, holding two discs 2) the video quality is better than described. I noticed no such issues with my 32″ Philips HD TV and Philips DVD player. 3) the material is bare bones, no production videos or extras. You can Play All and Choose Episodes . . .. . . and this works fine for me!

Reviewer: Reasonable Reviewer
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Cute, wholesome series
Review: I liked this series a lot. Many reviews have talked about the quality of the picture.I transferred my video to a handheld device and the picture quality was fine.The series also does not have subtitles. I am a big fan of subtitles, but the dialogue was certainly understandable.Another series, Bosco County, is very similar in tone to this one where emerging science intersects with western lore.The premise in this series is that a Hungarian genius, Dr. Bartok, sees a way to use the fictional character Legend to solve real world problems.The author, Mr. Pratt, is bamboozled into becoming a real-life version of his daring character, Legend, and together Legend and Bartok solve real-world challenges in a very charming, western town.Dr. Bartok is clearly based on the historical figure Tesla up to and including a rivalry with Thomas Edison.John de Lancie, from Star Trek the Next Generation as Q, does a great job of playing a bookish character with great ideas.Richard Dean Anderson, Stargate and McGyver, plays Mr. Pratt/Legend with great panache.There are some others in the ensemble cast, but the show truly revolves around these two.There are no objectionable themes or scenes. There is some violence, but it is very tame by today’s standards.All in all, this is a lovely family video, and I recommend that you add it to your family bookshelf.

Reviewer: Cooljonnorris
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Another great short series
Review: Great series which, like Firefly, only ran one season (or apart thereof). The characters are better rounded than in most TV shows, and the interaction between Legend and Bartok is great fun. DeLancie is so good in this character, that one forgets Q and really buys him as Bartok.Anderson shows some of the traits which will endear him to millions in the later series Stargate: SG-1 (which I also love).If you are a fan of either actor, sci-fi in general, or just like fun TV, minus most of the heavy propagandizing (there is always some), then check this out. For less than the price of a movie ticket, you’ll get 12 episodes of good fun.On an obscure info note, I find it interesting that Anderson is in two consecutive sci-fi shows which deal with the related themes of advanced technology in the 1800s and the Breakaway Civilization (and if you don’t understand why those are related, read Richard Dolan, Walter Bosley, Joseph Farrell, etc.).

Reviewer: N. J. Smith
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Over all I liked all the episodes
Review: Over all I liked all the episodes. The only thing I didn’t like was that they changed that song in that episode, The Life, Death, and Life, of Wild Bill Hickok. It was supposed to be sung by The Crash Test Dummies, and they had someone else sing that song. Too bad. Other than that, I liked all the episodes. I never got to see Legend when it aired on UPN. At that time, our cable company didn’t get UPN. Too bad. Then years later, someone on an RDA forum, made me some copies of Legend, on DVD so I got to see them. But I’m glad I got the REAL DVDS. Much better quality. The shows are really funny, and I love seeing Richard in a different show other than MacGyver, and SG. He did a good job in Legend. He showed his comedic side. He makes a good comedian. LOL Thanks Mill Creek for making these DVDS for us RDA fans! 🙂

Reviewer: Denise Richardson
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I cannot believe I’ve never heard about this show. I’m grateful for the Amazon recommendation. If you like Macgyver (classic) I think you’ll love this.

Reviewer: Cassandra Morgon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I love this series. The mixture of genres, the adventure, the comedy, the clever twists and retellings of historical events and characters, the social commentaries on themes such as racism, religion or celebrity.. all the way down to the caliber of each and every one of the very varied palette of actors who have had guest spots on the show, I honestly can find nothing to fault.This show has also made me develop quite the actor crush on John DeLancie (the moustache does make RDA temporarily replaceable in the “crush” department, after all.. ;)), whom I had only previously known for his role on Stargate, his character on that show ranking pretty high on the characters-you’d-most-like-to-punch-in-the-face list ;).. but his Prof. Bartok is irresistably endearing, and I feel the heart of the show. I simply adore him.RDA of course is true to himself and solid in his performance, and although I find the humour his character carries to be more predictable than the unexpected laughs I’ve gotten out of Bartok’s little quirks, still very amusing. Some one-liners especially got a good laugh out of me.. ;)I am prone to insomnia, which is only worsened by my sometimes working at the computer right until bedtime. I now try to make sure to pop this little show into the machine and make watching an episode the last thing I do before turning in for the night, and find that it helps clear my mind, making it much easier to go to sleep. So more than merely entertaining, I think I can claim that Legend is actually therapeutic to me.. ;)Bravo all the way for a little gem of a show. It’s only a shame it didn’t go on longer than it did.. but then RDA had to be available for Stargate, didn’t he.. 😉

Reviewer: JackMac1969
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Als Richard Dean Anderson Fan habe ich die Serie zwar schon über einen Fanclub auf VHS, aber in DVD Zeiten hab ich mich über die Serie gefreut.Schade, dass sie nicht auf deutsch erhältlich ist. Ich hätte auch gerne alle Filme von ihm auf DVD. Aber sie wurden nie als DVD veröffentlicht. Von eine oder zwei Ausnahmen abgesehen, die auch „nur“ in englisch auf dem Markt sind. Aber besser auf englisch als gar nicht.

Reviewer: ANGELICA W
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Quality product, speedily delivered. Thankyou

Reviewer: Steven J. Kalynuik
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Yes its silly, but creative. The landscapes are always breathtaking, the story lines are moral based (man we need more of these types of shows today). The characters believable. Just wish there was a little less womanizing on Legend’s part. But this and Jack of All Trades, my wife, my daughter and I watch at least twice a year, we hade the series from VHS that we taped during the original airing before we got these collections.

Price effective as of Mar 11, 2025 23:11:27 UTC

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