TROND Bluetooth 5.2 Transmitter Receiver, 2 in 1 Bluetooth Adapter for TV to Airpods or Wireless

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Customers find the AV receiver works well with older stereo equipment and has a mini-stereo input. They appreciate its small size and value for money. However, opinions differ on Bluetooth connectivity, sound quality, latency, and overall quality.

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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:

【Upgrade Bluetooth V5.2】TROND Bluetooth audio adapter equipped with upgraded Bluetooth 5.2 Chip, with high fidelity stereo sound. The Bluetooth adapter support SBC/AAC/aptX/aptX-LL/aptX-HD/aptX-Adaptive etc, with a stronger decoding ability and more stable connection.
【2-IN-1 Bluetooth Transmitter Receiver】In TX mode, Bluetooth transmitter allows you via 3.5mm AUX to transmit audio from non-Bluetooth devices to Bluetooth headphones or Bluetooth speakers. In RX mode, Bluetooth Receiver connected your smartphone to wired speakers/earphones through Bluetooth.
【Airplane Bluetooth Adapter for Headphones】With a low latency encoder applied, the audio delay has been minimized to approximately 40ms, easily streaming wireless stereo audio from in-flight entertainment systems to up to two AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones.
【Dual Link to Share Fun】The Bluetooth transmitter can be paired to two Bluetooth Headphones or speakers and streams audio to them simultaneously. Enjoy the happiness of watching movies together with your partner using Bluetooth headphones and you will not bother others.
【Tiny to Carry Anywhere】Bluetooth transmitter for tv, weights only 0.5oz, some round shape body, has good compatibility with most Bluetooth headphones. Easy to be store at home and carry in road trip or air in flight to enjoy music. Note: The bluetooth adapter actually only RX-mode can be used in the car.

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: J. Anton Saad
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Low Latency Hunt — Perfect!
Review: I have been hunting down a low latency headset/transmitter combo for a while, as many others here. The hunt can get tricky because you have to pair the two devices that will agree to talk in low latency mode. So I took my quest rather seriously and I bought a bunch of headsets and transmitters.For reference, I call “slow” connections to those where you can see your video out of sync with your audio. 90 milliseconds or more in delay will do that. Similarly I call “fast” connections where audio and video are reasonably close or in sync, with the delay being 30 milliseconds or less.In my experience, AptX is a slow codec and the improved AptX-LL is fast.So then, any device that does not explicitly say AptX-LL or Low Latency will work slow; a device that only says “AptX” is not enough. And the wireless connection can only go as fast as the slower paired component so having either a slow headset or transmitter will make your sync slow.To make things more interesting, not every headset that does say AptX-LL will use low latency technology with every transmitter out there. You kinda have to mix and match. So for example a given transmitter will connect fast with a certain headset, but slow with some other brand. And it will do so consistently.Not so the TROND 2-in-1, however. Every headset I tried with this little device worked fast. The headsets include:Premium MS301 Mixcder Wireless & Wired V4.2 Bass Noise Isolation Headphones with aptX Low Latency Audio- Headset with Mic & Bluetooth – Sturdy Foldable – Universal Compatibility for iPhone Tablet PCAvantree Wireless Bluetooth Over Ear Headphones with Mic, LOW LATENCY Fast Audio aptX Headset for Gaming TV PC, 40h Battery Sound – Audition Pro [2 Years Warranty]Miccus Wireless Bluetooth v4.2 Over Ear Headphones with Mic, aptX Headset Low Latency for Gaming, TV, iPhone, Beats, Foldable – 20h Battery (SR-71 Stealth)I tried other headsets, but those were not advertised as Low Latency and thus worked slow. Some notable headphones brands are falling behind the low latency race, surprisingly.Do not fret however, because you can still buy two of these devices, use one as transmitter and one as receiver, and just use your favorite wired headphones. Yes, low latency works quite well that way.You can pair two low latency headsets at the same time, but the low latency feature is disabled that way. It is the same on every low latency transmitter I have put my hands on. So if you are planning to do that, you can opt for cheaper, slower headsets.Aside from latency, these devices are well constructed, simple to use and most important of all, light and small. Single button operation; nice red and blue LED leaves nothing to guess. It behaves like any other standard BT device, nice and simple. It almost needs no instructions to set up. The fact that they are transmitter and receiver in the same package only adds to the versatility of this design.All in all, great little device. I do recommend it for your audio/video needs when paired with a compatible LL headset or other TROND 2-in-1.

Reviewer: C. Winton
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: It’s teeny tiny and works even with old equipment
Review: I purchased the Trond BT-DUO to use with a 13 year old Toshiba flat screen TV and a set of 8 year old Nokia BT (noise-reducing) headphones, something Nokia doesn’t even offer anymore. I am happy to report the Trond in transmit (TX) mode paired immediately with the Nokia head phones. Once hooked up to the TV, I find I am getting excellent audio with no break up or noticeable voice lag. Turning on the head phones is all it takes to reconnect the BT link. I’m keeping the Trond powered via the supplied USB cable, so I can’t comment on the Trond’s battery life. I also am not using it in receive (RX) mode. The manual describes the procedure for pairing a second device to allow two users to access the same feed, but I have no way to test that.If you are wondering, I’m still using the TV because it still works well and has a built-in DVD player, which I use to watch movies while walking on a treadmill. I have wireless Sennheiser head phones I set up when I purchased the TV, but they are aging out, which is why I decided to see if I could switch over to the Nokia head phones by adding BT functionality to the TV. Given its age, the TV’s only audio out is RCA jacks. The Trond package includes a cable with RCA plugs and an adapter for use with the Trond device, so hook up to the TV was a breeze. The Nokia head phones use BT 2.1 with A2DP audio, so naturally I had some concern as to how well they would play with an AptX device based on BT 5.0. That has turned out to be a non-issue.I held my breath in ordering the Trond BT-DUO, since the first device I tried, a cheaper model from another manufacturer would not pair with the Nokia headphones and had to be returned. I guess you get what you pay for. The Trond is quite small, thinner but not much larger than a 9 volt battery and comes with very clear directions for use. From what I’ve seen so far, for my purposes it is a 5-star product.Update: The manual says in transmit mode the Trond can transmit to two separate devices. I am happy to report this works. After I paired it to a second set of BT headphones (with the first set off), I turned off the Trond, and powered up both sets of phones. When I powered the Trond back on, after a brief delay both sets of phones were receiving the transmission. This is the procedure specified in the user directions, incidentally.

Reviewer: Edgar Garcia Dominguez
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Es muy bueno , funciona de maravilla y si trabaja bien entregando sonido estereofonico , funciona mejor que el anterior que compre

Reviewer: Shanan Miller
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Great Product no lag

Reviewer: Cliente Amazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Falta un manual que detalli totes les possibilitats.

Reviewer: Cliente de Amazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars

Reviewer: briamar23
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ho già un “gemello” di questo BT-DUO di un’altra marca (chi indovina?) e servendomene un altro per l’uso che vedete in foto, ho deciso di provare anche questo, avendo prezzi e caratteristiche simili.Anzi proprio uguali, non c’è niente di male in questo, sono le regole della globalizzazione che ha difetti sì, ma anche tanti pregi per noi consumers.Grazie alla miniaturizzazione dell’elettronica un oggettino così piccolo può avere funzioni e prestazioni così grandi.Ero curioso di verificare se la media di 5 ☆ nelle recensioni corrispondeva alle reali qualità dell’adapter.Devo dire che si presenta ben costruito, rivestito in gomma opaca, con tutti gli accessori che servono, senza inutili fronzoli.Si installa in un attimo perchè una volta effettuata la prima connessione conserva la memoria dell’associazione e quindi quando acceso passa subito in modalità associazione, memoria persa se si cambia funzione (da RX a TX e viceversa).L’audio in effetti non ha lag rispetto al video ed anche come riproduzione musicale il suono risulta pieno.I principali usi sono connettere una cuffia non bluetooth al computer (come RX) oppure una cuffia bluetooth connessa all’impianto audio di casa (come TX): avendo destinato il “gemello diverso” all’uso con un sistema di casse 2.1 per il Galaxy Note Pro ho deciso di usare questo (vedi foto) per rendere wireless la ottima scheda audio esterna Terratec Aureon Xfire 8.0 che controlla l’audio del mio HP Envy 17, così posso usare le mie diverse cuffie BT col notebook, certo sacrificando la resa paragonata all’uso di cuffie cablate, ma guadagnando in comodità d’uso.Anche questo ha prestazioni notevoli come trasmissione/ricezione del segnale, non risente di interferenze ed ha una buona copertura: il raggio di azione è dichiarato entro 10 m, però all’esterno senza ostacoli, dentro casa la copertura è minore e per mantenere un buon segnale stabile è megliorestare entro i 3/4 m di distanza.Prezzo non eccessivo per la qualità offerta.Dunque le 5 ☆ sono proprio meritate.Solo una piccola pecca: manca una regolazione del volume su entrambi gli adapter, cosa che verrebbe utile usandoli come RX con cuffie classiche che appunto non hanno volume proprio.La durata media della batteria devo ancora testarla bene, al primo uso sull’onda dell’entusiasmo a forza di provare diverse connessioni credo non sia durata più di 6/7 ore, comunque una durata discreta.Quando la batteria è bassa e quando si spegne l’adapter emette un segnale acustico a 3 note oltre al lampeggiare/commutare del led.Dimenticavo di far notare che si possono associare due elementi in contemporanea all’adapter sia in TX (può trasmettere a 2 ricettori diversi come 2 cuffie BT con riproduzione in contemporanea) che in RX (qui si possono connettere le cuffie non BT a due sorgenti BT diverse, ma con riproduzione alternata e non simultanea), un altro pregio che lo rende molto appetibile._EDIT_Dopo parecchi giorni d’uso posso confermare il giudizio positivo ed aggiungo che ho fatto una importante ed efficace modifica alla configurazione dell’adapter (vedere foto allegate).Ho infatti usato questo connettore: connettere l’adapter alla sorgente (smartphone, cuffie, pc, impianti, casse) sostituendo il mini cavetto originale; in questo modo il segnale è in “presa diretta”, senza la seppur minima dispersione di segnale del filo.Con una spesa di ben 4 € è una modifica che consiglio a tutti (l’ho applicata anche al “concorrente” TaoTronics TT-BA07, ebbene sì, svelato il mistero!) si rende il sistema più compatto e performante.Molto soddisfatto.

Price effective as of Mar 11, 2025 03:55:11 UTC

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