Customers say
Customers find the book insightful and informative, making it a classic worth reading. They appreciate the quality materials in a compact form that is easy to carry. However, some customers report issues with the cover design, with pixelated images and poor spacing of words. Opinions are mixed on readability – some find it an excellent read for exploring perspective, while others consider it difficult due to its use of foreign phrases and lack of clear paragraphs.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Explore Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil, with this thought-provoking edition. Delve into Nietzsche’s examination of morality, power, and the human condition, offering profound insights and challenging conventional beliefs. A must-read for philosophy enthusiasts and seekers of intellectual stimulation.
Friedrich Nietzsche’s influential work, Beyond Good and Evil Engage with Nietzsche’s exploration of morality, power, and human nature Thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional beliefs Perfect for philosophy enthusiasts and those seeking intellectual stimulation An essential addition to any philosophical library, igniting deep contemplation and discourse.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Troy G.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book, tiny print!
Review: Great book obviously but the print is absolutely tiny so if you have trouble with reading tiny print or even if you don’t think you do, you will with this edition.
Reviewer: Kindle Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: One of the Must Reads in the Topic of Philosophy
Review: This is one of the foundations that anyone interested in Philosophy will read at some point. Nietzshe is one of the key authors in this area and will form the core of most discussions in morality.This said, while thought provoking, insightful and intriguing, unless you are looking to get into a philosophical debate on morality or looking for thoughts to guide political decisions, this isn’t your book. If you want a fast read, entertainment or something that keeps you awake, this isn’t your book. Caution needed as this may cause: headaches as you try to grasp the larger concepts and loss of consciousness as you fall asleep after just a few pages.I enjoyed this book. I’ll be keeping it on my Kindle and have highlights/notes to go back to. But even I had to focus to push through all of this book.
Reviewer: Drjackl
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: this was a surprise
Review: I didn’t expect this. It turned out to be a treasure trove of quotes and made some really good critiques of philosophy and philosophers and made me think of how silly and self absorbed they are (were) . When I listen to academics and political philosophers today I hear the same idiocy that nietzche wrote about. I listened to the book on audible. It was good, but I think I would enjoy the text more. Anyway, it’s not the type of book to read need to end in one sitting . It needs to be read slowly and thoughtfully
Reviewer: shane
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: awesome
Review: I’m smarter now. You can’t just read this– you need to study it. It’s made my conversations so much better.
Reviewer: albert alarcon
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Some extraordinary ideas some not so much.
Review: First let me say some of the book was like being on an acid trip, pondering ideas, coming from nowhere and ending incomplete. Maybe I didn’t understand the relativity of tearing down philosophies of religion and artists. But I did like the final chapter, once I understood the that ideas where randomly going to be asserted and not supported, and to be taken on the authority of him. Saying that there were alot of insightful things. But let me also say that it is strange that many places in the book it is stating to form your own ideas your own ethics your own humanity and why because I say so, wow how thought provoking is that. Maybe it is because I believe in freedom I don’t understand forcing or being forced. What does one care what another does or does not in his religion or philosophy right or wrong it is order for them. Example he makes reference to flat earth being it is self evident, well he was wrong, so should we dismiss the book, does that mean there is no master and slave. There is plenty I agree on and would surely have back up with reason and created arguments rather the assert the because I am smarter argument, which is difficult to do when you are saying create your own world. So my question is it enlighten or psychopathic is it genius or crazy. Are Germans better than English. Be self reliant and we could be if it were for those people. If you like my review, you will like the book, jumping all over the place asserting ideas without reasoning but good information within. Maybe being nonreligious I don’t get the push back. Not being German seeing how one composer is better than another because of race. Hmm! I guess we will take it on his authority. So in conclusions a mess of good and bad ideas in random order to go though like stacks of papers on a desk this pile over here for this, this one over there for that. Still feel a great philosopher, ideas and concept are great more than that extraordinary I do use them.
Reviewer: Bradford A. Harkness
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: BGAE
Review: If you have not read this I must ask why. Then I must ask you to ask yourself why. Anything by Nietzche is not just interesting and a learning experience, it is hillarious as well. despite the label of being a nihlist, given by people who never read him or disagree with him, Nietzche has a profound insight to life that is actually quite joyous-not just in this work but in general. I suggest every book he has, mind you I am biased as I was a philosophy major and had to read him anyway, bvut I had read him befor that too. It’s worth it to buy this alone or better yet buy a collected works that includes his other work as well.
Reviewer: RONALD
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: One of the greates book ever written
Review: Great book but it’s a difficult read fot a novice like me
Reviewer: Gerald Brothers
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Should be required reading.
Review: These ideas have become very popular in the universities. Us ordinary people would do well to understand a source for the shallowness in the university liberal arts departments.
Reviewer: randall jonas
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: It is the book itself.
Reviewer: Kacper
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Great product
Reviewer: Joao Nunes
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Bem impresso com letra suficientemente grande para ser lido com facilidade no formato «paper back».
Reviewer: John C Scalia,Sr.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: ok. Zuerst–es ist möglich dass ich nicht über dieses Buch schreiben. Warum? Ich habe nur zwölf Prozent gelesen. Aber es freut mich so sehr dass ich muss. Ich lese auf Englisch und nicht auf Deutsch. Trotzdem habe ich nicht so viel gelacht seit ich PG Wodehouse gelesen habe.Nietzsche hat kein Respekt für alle andere Philosophen. Er spricht (mehr oder weniger) in Klartext. Ich habe viele Philosophie gelesen und schrieben–mein zweites Buch–“The Philosophy of Common Sense” ist auf Kindle. Ich habe Heidegger gelesen als ich fünfzehn war… lese und lache….
Reviewer: Cliente Kindle
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Muito bom.
Price effective as of Mar 10, 2025 11:17:33 UTC
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