Customers say
Customers find the exercises in the book easy to follow and effective. They say the exercises firm up and tone facial muscles. The explanations are clear, with diagrams and illustrations showing the muscles involved. Customers appreciate the good pictures and value for money. The glossy pages are also mentioned as being easy to read. However, opinions differ on the information quality – some find it informative and educational, while others consider it unsatisfactory.
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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:
Combat the effects of aging in just 5 minutes a day by choosing from 30 fun and easy exercises targeted to your individual face shape.
Did you know that the structure of your face is made up of more than 50 muscles, and that their fitness, to a large degree, determines its appearance? Just as we can exercise and tone our body’s muscles, we can do the same with our facial muscles. This can ultimately make a marked difference in our appearance and can potentially eliminate the need for invasive plastic surgery.
Too much sun, smoking, degradation of collagen layers and poor skin care all contribute to sagging facial muscles. Facial gymnastics, if done on a regular basis, can treat a variety of concerns, from “empty”-looking cheekbones, jowls and relaxed eyelids to wrinkles and impaired elasticity. Imagine a facial gym that uses only the muscles of your face. No special equipment or location is required — just some diligence and perseverance.
Your smile alone works more than 25 facial muscles. So smile! The small but important risorius muscle is found in the corner of your mouth: if it’s well stimulated, it can correct a drooping mouth. It also stimulates the muscles mid-face, inflating your cheeks. And nothing gives a fresher and younger look than well-accentuated cheekbones. Whether your face is oval, square, round, long or diamond shaped, The 5-Minute Facial Workout presents tips and information adapted to your shape to help you maintain your features as you strengthen muscle tone. And we’ve added a new section that helps you to customize your exercises to match your face type.
Each page features clear instructions, with a photograph to demonstrate the movement, so the exercises are straightforward and easy to do.
Our Top Reviews
Reviewer: Melody Carlock
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing!!! It definitely works!!!
Review: I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about this when I first ordered the book but I was intrigued and thought I’d give it a try. I’m so glad I did! I love that the book not only shows you what muscles you are activating, but also shows a picture of what your face should look like when you are doing the exercise correctly. It is very easy to follow and although you can’t do all of the exercises in 5 minutes, you definitely can pick and choose which ones you want to follow. For anyone who’s looking to tone up their face and get rid of saggy skin, this book is definitely for you!
Reviewer: Astrid LacNoir
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Easy instruction
Review: Definitely worth getting this book, while you can just move your face and feel which muscles are being engaged, this book gives simple instruction for correct form and the right exercises to choose. Absolutely recommend
Reviewer: Audrey Johns
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Better than expected!
Review: If you’re looking for a face yoga book with great pictures, helpful tips, and prompts, an entire section on facial massage, and another section on helpful facial pinching. This is the one for you!The pictures are fantastic and very helpful, the exercises are more independent movements of your facial muscles, then massaging them (as is popular on social media) but like I said, there is an entire extra section on facial massage too.One helpful tip – do these exercise exercises in the morning, or early afternoon if you (like many of us) suffer from clenching, grinding, tightening your jaw while you sleep. If you do these exercises at night, it can cause some discomfort.
Reviewer: OroMyoFlo
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Good general exercises
Review: Seller shipped fast, with product in very good condition.Content of book offered simple muscle explanations & movements.
Reviewer: Sandy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Simple Effective & Who Would Have Known?
Review: I love the simplicity of these exercises, the way this book is laid out illustrating the muscle you are working and her comments on technique issues you might run into. It’s been easier than a lot of self-care to incorporate into my routine as results are so easy to see in the mirror. It took me about 2 weeks to learn the exercises. Who would have thought that pouting, growling and raised eyebrows were so important to maintain as adult expressions? Now the car is one of my favorite places to do these, usually aiming not to stick out my tongue at the driver across from me. Ha!I’ve looked at some other types of facial exercises that group several moves. They are not as easy to learn or as clear on what muscles you are aiming for and I’m not retaining those. I really feel this book has me covered.
Reviewer: Net
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great book
Review: Love this book. It’s a lot exercises for your face.
Reviewer: susulah X
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Ok exercises, bizarre book design
Review: The exercises seem sensible, and explanations of face muscle structure are interesting, but the book design is bizarre. The same pictures are used over and over and over again, taking up whole pages, making the book about 4x longer than it needs to be. Wasteful of resources.
Reviewer: annabella
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: terrific exercises. author knows her stuff.
Review: I only got this book yesterday and I did some of the exercises last night. Not all of them. And I didn’t do the suggested 10 reps, I did fewer. I’m going to work up to the suggested 10 reps. These are very intense exercises and I woke up this morning and my face was tingling a bit, a good sign. I also have Facial Fitness by Patricia Goroway, which is also a terrific book. Once I’ve mastered the Pez exercises, I’m planning to do exercises from both books on different days. Both Goroway and Pez explain about the muscles in the face and clearly know what they are talking about. And I’m grateful to both of them.My only criticism is as some other reviewers have said, its not a 5-minute facial workout. its a 30-minute facial workout when you do all of the reps. so that is misleading. other than that, I’ve no complaints.
Reviewer: srmenon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: As expected
Reviewer: Tizzy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Beautiful book, very clearly set out and mostly easy to follow. However, each of the 30 exercises involves holding a position for 5 seconds, and doing ten repetitions. So ,an absolute minimum of just under 30 minutes. And that’s if you know all the exercises off pat.I won’t deduct a star for this….but, it would have been nice to have the option of a shorter program with, say, 6 or 7 core exercises, which use most muscles between them. I guess it’s a case of working it out yourself.
Reviewer: Melanie
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ich habe mir das Buch bestellt da mich eine Aussage davon überzeugt hat, dass Sport auch für das Gesicht gut ist. Denn warum sollte man nicht seine Gesichtsmuskeln ebenso wie den Körper trainieren?! Klingt logisch. Ich trainiere meine Arme etc. und die Haut strafft sich weil die darunter liegenden Muskeln aufgebaut werden. Das geht doch im Gesicht auch. Ich muss aber ehrlich sagen, dass ich es irgendwie lustig fand und dem jetzt nicht ganz so viel Ernst entgegen bringen konnte. Aber jetzt mit knapp 44 Jahren (der Lack ist irgendwie ab) wollte ich versuchen den ersten Fältchen Einhalt zu gebieten und dem Gesichts – Fitness eine Chance geben. Und ich wurde davon total überzeugt!Dass das Buch ein englisch geschriebenes ist schreckte mich nicht ab (es gibt ja den Google Übersetzer). Und ich wollte viele Übungen kennen lernen. Und nicht nur ein paar ausgewählte. Dieses Buch mit 30 Übungen für alle Partien war also mein Favorit unter den vielen Angeboten.Als das Buch ankam stellte sich heraus, dass es tatsächlich ein einfaches Englisch ist und ich nur ein paar Vokabeln nachgucken musste. Die Autorin schreibt über Ernährung, Vitamine und alles was zum Thema Haut gehört. Allerdings lässt sie sich nicht seitenweise darüber aus. Knapp, informativ und alles Wichtige ansprechend. Das finde ich gut. Die Übungen sind sehr detailliert bebildert und machen es einfach die jeweiligen Übungen korrekt auszuführen. Es gibt sehr einfache, aber auch schwierige Übungen auf die man sich sehr konzentrieren muss. Anstrengend (wirklich anstregend) sind sie aber alle. Dazu gibt es einen Überblick welche Muskeln mit welcher Übung trainiert werden. So kann man sich gut auf diese Muskeln konzentrieren und läuft nicht Gefahr andere Muskeln mit einzubeziehen. Es wirkt also da , wo es wirken soll.Wie andere Rezensenten schon ansprachen ist die Sache nicht in 5 Minuten erledigt (außer man braucht nur drei Übungen für “Problemzonen”). Ich mache immer das volle Programm weil man ja beim Sport auch nicht gezielt Problemzonen wegtrainieren kann, sondern alles trainieren muss (alles ist miteinander verbunden). Das dauert im Schnitt eine bis 1 1/4 Stunden. Und die Autorin lässt tatsächlich keinen Bereich aus. Sogar die Kopfhaut wird mittrainiert.Nach dem ersten Workout litt ich tatsächlich unter Gesichtslähmung! Meine Muskeln waren derart angespannt, dass ich tatsächlich Muskelkater hatte. Das Workout ist sehr, sehr anstrengend. Aber auch sehr, sehr gut.Ich mache es jetzt seit einer Woche und hatte einen Tag Pause eingeplant. Ich sehe jetzt schon gravierende Unterschiede in der Form meines Gesichts, aber auch in der Hautbeschaffenheit. Die Form hat sich dahingehend verändert, dass ich im Gesicht abgenommen habe. Die Wangenknochen sind sichtbar geworden und meine Schläfen geben dem Ganzen eine schöne Form. Die Kinnpartie ist etwas spitzer und formt so einen schönen Hals, der übrigens auch abgenommen hat. Meine Haut ist sichtbar straffer geworden, fühlt sich auch straffer an (besonders an meiner Problemzone Stirn, und die Speckfalte unter dem Kinn geht auch zurück), sieht vitaler aus und auch meine Probleme mit Verfärbungen sind weg. Ich habe einige fiese Pigmentflecken die ich schon seit geraumer Zeit versuche mit Retinol, Vitmain C etc., etc. in den Griff zu bekommen – ohne Erfolg. Dazu kommen noch dunkle Augenringe. Und, WOW, meine Haut ist aufgehellt!Die Autorin verspricht in ihren Buch eine leuchtende Haut. Und das ist tatsächlich so! Mein Gesicht ist ebenmäßig, die dunklen Stellen verschwinden erschreckend schnell und mein Gesicht leuchtet tatsächlich nach dem Workout. Wie mit Licht übergossen. Noch dazu habe ich rosige Wangen bekommen. Sonst war ich immer fahl und irgendwie grau im Gesicht. Das lässt einen natürlich noch mal frischer und jünger aussehen. Meine Haut ist noch dazu sehr weich geworden und sieht optisch aufgepolstert auf. Ich bin sehr froh dieses Buch gefunden zu haben und werde am Ball bleiben. Ich bin gespannt was sich noch entwickelt.Am Ende des Buches werden zwei Massagetechniken (auch gut bebildert) vorgestellt. Eine Massage braucht man definitiv um alles wieder zu lockern. Ich habe das Kneifen übernommen, aber für die entgültige Massage mache ich Gua Sha um den Stoffwechsel zusätzlich anzukurbeln.Wer sein Gesicht im Ganzen trainieren möchte, und zwar erfolgreich, ist mit diesen Buch sehr gut bedient.
Reviewer: UrbanFrog
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Be prepared to spend substantially longer than 5 minutes. In all honesty though, when I bought the book, I didn’t even register the “5 minutes” part of the title. I just saw “facial workout” and the picture, so I didn’t have the great disappointment that exceptional results can’t be achieved in an unrealistically short amount of time with very little effort, that others who hoped for an actual 5-minute-only routine did.It should also be noted the book was originally published in French with the title “La Gymnastique Faciale” – “5 minutes” was never part of the original title as written by the author, and was only added after being translated to English by the publisher.The exercises are great, and as a 60 yr old woman, I started seeing results pretty quickly. For the first 15 days you do all 30 exercises (depending on your underlying face type), and that is time consuming. But getting up a little earlier, for some alone personal care time, is worthwhile. I do them just before my morning skin care routine. And once you know all the exercises, it goes faster.After 15 days, you just do them twice a week for maintenance. That’s when you can cut your time down. No reason you have to do all 30 on the same day. The exercises are broken down into 3 groups by the area of the face worked – lower (1 to 8), middle (9 to 19), and upper (20 to 30). So do one set Mon & Thur, the next Tue & Fri, and the last Wed & Sat. Then they are all getting done twice a week, and only taking 10 to 15 minutes extra of your day.The book is laid out very well, with a diagram showing which muscles are being used, a description of the exercise, and a photo of someone doing the exercise. The print is clear, bold, and a decent size, not the piddling tiny, spidery script that you need a magnifying glass to read, that so many publishers are going with these days. The publisher clearly recognized that it would likely be older women reading it, so kudos to them on that!Overall, I am very happy to recommend this book, and like any exercise routine, if you are willing to put in the time and effort you will get good results. But if all you really want is an actual 5 minute quick fix that you don’t have to put any real effort into, then save your money for the plastic surgeon.
Reviewer: Mary-Ann
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I am not new to the concept of doing facial exercise and believe that they do make a difference.This book is very comprehensive and easy to follow. There are explanations and diagrams of the muscles you are targeting with each exercise as well as a photo of the actual movement required to achieve each one.I am into my second week of doing the whole program daily and my face feels the benefit of doing so.Easy to follow, pleasant to do and the results in how I feel and inevitably in how I look are worth the time spent.Facial exercise is time well spent and this book is definitely money well spent. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose.
Price effective as of Mar 09, 2025 22:01:29 UTC
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