Plugable USB Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Micro Adapter (Compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8.x, 7,

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Customers say

Customers find that the network interface controller adapter works well with Windows, Linux, and other operating systems. It’s easy to set up and use, with clear instructions. They appreciate its Bluetooth connectivity, compatibility with devices, and value for money. However, some customers are dissatisfied with the build quality. There are mixed opinions on connectivity and range.

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Plugable Brand StoryPlugable Brand Story


At Plugable, we design products for productivity. And we know that work can happen anywhere–at a desk, on the road, in an office, and more often than ever, at home.

Every Plugable product–from dongle to docking station–is designed and tested by our team in Redmond, Washington to work anywhere you work.

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Start Using Bluetooth: Enhances your Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7 PC with Bluetooth functionality.
Connect Your Devices: Enables connectivity with various wireless Bluetooth devices like headphones, speakers, keyboards, and phones.
Compact Design: Features a small USB dongle that can remain connected while you’re mobile; designed for PCs lacking built-in Bluetooth.
Compatibility Note: Not suitable for car stereos, TVs, or Mac computers; not recommended for work PCs; does not enable Bluetooth 4.0 on Windows 7.
Enhance Your Setup: Elevate your PC experience by effortlessly connecting to a wide range of Bluetooth devices for seamless functionality.

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: M. K. Mcgregor
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Relatively easy install for a Bluetooth device, good sound, and decent range. Highly recommended.
Review: Adapter installed flawlessly. OK, it was a multistage install, but no real issues. My system is Windows 7 64-bit and did have a CSR v2.0 installed in it prior to this adapter. I expected some required uninstall, but as I usually try first and ask questions later, I just dropped it into a USB slot to see if MS could sort it out. Windows updated Installation happened and completed normally and I was able to pair a Bluetooth 4.0 headset (Bohm) without issue. There were some uninstalled parts of the driver when I examined the device in the Bluetooth list. Well, despite no installation errors per se, it did not appear as a sound playback device; due to the missing drivers not provided through Windows Update. So, I went to the Broadcom site, they make the chipset is this unit (you could also get them from the Pluggable support site) to get the latest drivers ([…]). They appear to support XP to Windows 10 and some Linux distros. Downloaded the small installer (boradcom, pluggable is the full 200MB at once) which proceeded to install a bunch of additional software (~200MB). It completed and All the device features now had drivers installing for them. Completed and no errors. Still no sound. This is resolved by simply entering the sound mixer on Windows (click the speaker in the lower right corner and select Mixer and finally use the dropdown under the Device column above the slider) and select your paired Bluetooth headset as the playback device. You can also this as the default playback device; check the control panel. After that it worked without issue. Other programs like games or Skype may also require you to set a new device as the playback or microphone device. That part is kind of a pain, but does allow a headset for Skype and speakers for normal windows playback.Range was not what I expected. I thought this was a type 1 with 100 meter (typical 20-30 meter) range. It appears to be a typical type 2 with 33 meter (typical 10 meter) range; and that with assumed clear line of sight. Site states 10 meter (33′) range. I actually just read that ([…]and […]). Granted I was testing in a house with one wall between me and the unit. Sound is very good. I noticed some clipping or click when I change volume in Windows, but that is not uncommon. Playback however is excellent within 20-30 feet. Beyond that it comes and goes in a house setting; your mileage will vary. I was able to go upstairs in my house (and not directly above) out to around 30′ from the computer when I would get cutouts; more or less. Not all that I hoped (was hoping to walk the house, but this unit would not do that), but the installation ease, sound quality, and decent multi-room range make this a great buy if you need Bluetooth connectivity for a machine without it or one that does not support the newer 4.0 standard.Not sure if the microphone on my BT headset or the connectivity or sound generation of this adapter is not very good. Sound recorded on a Skype echo test was not good; muffled and not crisp at all. I’m not sure that I will be using it for more than listening at this point. I will do some real people tests and use different headsets and update later. Right now I’m “blaming” the headset.I will also try to do some more line of sight testing to see if the range improves at allGood unit so far, but I’ve only had it for about 1 hour and I’m listening to music and completed my installation and testing.You may have installation issues if you have previous or current Bluetooth driver installed. Checkout the Pluggable link above. There they also have a nice comprehensive FAQ that tries answer many installation issues. I did not use them, but I did look through them while downloading the drivers.Very good adapter. Highly recommended. I’ve tried many imported knockoffs, mostly BT 2.0, and this is by far the easiest and most complete install. Most have incomplete or failing drivers and provide limited functionality or poor and somewhat distorted sound quality.I have found another good vendor that does appear to care about the user. Getting tough to find these days.Installed in a second machine at work, again no problems following the same steps as above despite it being a radically different machine but still Windows 7 64-bit. I’ve ordered a second one!

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Bluetooth.
Review: It took a bit to get the device set up. Once I contacted the IT department, it went pretty quickly. Once the technical issue was resolved, it worked like a charm. Scattered.

Reviewer: Dave Vasquez
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great Solution for Adding Bluetooth…Just Watch Out for the Windows Bluetooth Stack
Review: My review is based on my own experience with a brand new home built PC workstation running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit (with the Creator’s Update installed). I was looking to add bluetooth to my system and the Pluggable adapter seemed like the easiest option. Another note is I was only attempting to connect a bluetooth keyboard and mouse.Overall, I can say the adpater does exactly what it is supposed to do and is a great option for adding bluetooth to your system. Installation was super easy in Windows 10 and it immediately recognized the adapter. I then installed the latest driver from the Pluggable website without any issues. I did have an issue with pairing my devices, but as I will explain, it turned out to be more of a Windows issue and not the fault of the adapter.PROS- Extremely quick and easy install of the adapter in Windows 10- Decent range as long as you follow manufacture instructions- Extremely good customer service to assist with any issuesCONS- Range/interference issues can sometimes occur if you plug it in the back of your computer or near usb 3 portI initially nstalled the adapter into a usb 2.0 port on the back of my machine and then tried to pair my devices (Note: Pluggable recommends you plug the adapter in the front of your computer or in a hub for less interference). I have a Microsoft Modern keyboard which connects via usb cable (this is also how it pairs bluetooth). They keyboard is supposed to function via usb when plugged in and then automatically switch over to bluetooth once you remove the cable. I noticed this was not happening. The keyboard worked perfectly via usb but would not pair via bluetooth. I also noticed my surface mouse would pair but would also become disconnected and then I was unable to reconnect it. Eventually, I was unable to pair it at all.I then contacted customer service to see if they could help me. I spoke with David and he quickly showed me that Pluggable has some of the best customer service around. They really do care and they go out of their way to make sure you are satisfied. David literally worked with me over the course of several days via email, troubleshooting the problem. After much work, it started to seem that the Windows implementation of bluetooth was less than stellar. It turns out that the bluetooth stack in Windows can be corrupted or damaged fairly easily. In fact, a simple google search revealed the Windows Creators Update actually broke bluetooth, specifically with devices that use Broadcom technology which the Pluggable and many other adapters use. After many unsuccessful attempts to pair my devices, David shipped a brand new adapter to me free of charge to make sure I didn’t have a bad unit. While I waited for it to arrive, I reluctantly decided to do a complete reinstall of Windows 10 (I didn’t know of another way to fix the bluetooth stack). I was hoping that if the bluetooth stack was in fact corrupted or damaged, a reinstall and full update might fix that.When the adaptor arrived and my machine had a fresh install of Windows 10 to the latest update, I installed the adapter. Installation completed without a hitch. I then connected my keyboard and installed the driver. Instantly, it connected to usb AND bluetooth! I then connected the mouse. It also connected without a hitch but I did notice a bit of lag when using it. I then moved the adpater to a usb 2.0 port that was on my desktop and the problem was solved. No lag whatsoever on the mouse. I now have bluetooth working perfectly, no dropouts or lagging from either the keyboard or mouse. I also swapped out the replacement with the old adapter…it too now worked! So for me, I believe the bluetooth stack was damaged and that was the culprit causing issues with pairing and connecting my devices. I’m not sure exactly how the bluetooth stack was damaged but the fresh install/update fixed everything for me.Understandably, this took way more work than I hoped. But, Pluggable’s customer service is top notch and they will do everything they can to get things working for you. In the end, the adapter does exactly what it’s supposed to and it’s working flawlessly for me now that I fixed Windows. I know everyone’s situation is different, but I’m hoping that what I put here might help someone else with similar issues get to a solution faster than I did.

Reviewer: Angel C.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Un producto de excelente calidad, suelo trabajar con un portatil con SO base Linux, y es díficil a veces encontrar periufericos compatibles, sin embargo el Plugable USB 4.0 cumple lo prometido. Es plug and play incluso en linux, sin necesidad de cambiar configuraciones ni nada, se conecta a mi transmisor bluetooth, audifonos y celular sin problñema.

Reviewer: IlClienteAmazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Risparmiatevi un mal di testa. Se cercate un dongle bluetooth senza dover essere “forzati” ad un pcie che comprende anche wifi, optate per questa marca. Davvero. Penso di aver provato qualcosa come 5 dongle diversi. Va bene tutto, interferenze, quello che volete. Ma io non ho avuto NESSUN problema con questo dongle. Gli altri non appena connettevo piu di un dispositivo (e alcuni erano anche protocollo 5.0), dopo qualche oretta cominciavano a dare problemi. E allora li comincia il: stacca-riattacca-riavvia-reinstalla i drivers-eccetera.Seriamente, è una di quelle sciocchezze che a furia di perderci tempo, ti rovina le giornate e di conseguenza la produttività a l’umore.Ottimo il servizio clienti e anche le accortezze sull’usare porte usb 2.0 invece che 3.0 per evitare interferenze. Si percepisce quanto sia importante ricevere un feedback positivo per plugable sull’utilizzo piuttosto che vendere il prodotto e basta come altri competitor. Assolutamente consigliato.

Reviewer: Bonson
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Good product. Plug and play for Linux devices

Reviewer: Client Amazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Sur un PC avec Linux Ubuntu 19.10 on a juste à brancher le dongle Bluetooth, démarrer le PC et il est fonctionnel immédiatement, sans aucune installation de pilote. On ne peut pas faire plus simple.Par contre attention j’ai été victime d’un bug étrange. Si je connecte mon casque Bluetooth sur mon PC alors j’ai constaté que parfois, toutes les lectures Multimédia se bloquent. Donc concrètement, plus moyen de lire une vidéo ni d’écouter de la musique. Et c’est la même chose sur internet car la lecture des vidéos sur You Tube ne se lancent plus, et idem pour de la musique en streaming.Après une recherche sur internet, c’est un bug connu qui affecte aussi bien Linux que Windows. Donc ce dongle Bluetooth en particulier n’est pas responsable puisque le même blocage peut se produire avec un autre matériel.Une solution qui fonctionne chez moi : désactiver le Bluetooth sur le PC, puis le réactiver, et enfin reconnecter le casque. Et normalement la lecture du média audio ou vidéo va repartir.Dernière remarque : sur mon PC en W10 version 1909, ce dongle n’est pas Plug and Play contrairement à Linux. Donc j’ai été obligé d’aller télécharger le pilote sur le site de Plugable et de l’installer. C’est un peu décevant, d’autres dongle font mieux sur cet OS…

Reviewer: Yoda2003
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Mein Computer hat von Haus aus kein Bluetooth, dennnoch wollte ich sowohl Bluetooth-Kopfhörer als auch eine -Soundbar nutzen können. Dieser Adapter eignet sich dafür hervorragend! Günstig, äußerst klein und macht seinen Job hervorragend. Installation war Plug n Play (unter Windows 10). Seit über einem Jahr verrichtet der Adapter nun seinen Dienst (beinahe täglich) absolut zuverlässig. Entgegen einiger Rezensionen kann ich die Reichweite nur ausdrücklich loben. Selbst in der Küche (zwei Räume weiter) kann ich problemlos Musik hören – ohne Einschränkungen. Und da sind ein paar Wände dazwischen!Ähnlich wie bei W-LAN-Adaptern kann es natürlich Probleme bereiten, wenn man den USB-Stick direkt ins Gehäuse hinten einsteckt. Je nachdem wie viel Störquellen in unmittelbarer Nähe sind, kann es zu deutlichen Einschränkungen kommen. Wer den Adapter in einen USB-Hub, Tastatur / Bildschirm etc. einsteckt sollte deutlich weniger Probleme haben. Ich hatte nie Verbindungsabbrüche oder ähnliche Störungen und würde den Adapter jederzeit wieder kaufen. Uneingeschränkge Empfehlung von mir.

Price effective as of Feb 21, 2025 02:10:16 UTC

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