AEG Space Base | Space Exploration Engine Building Interactive Family Dice Game | Blend of Strategy

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Customers say

Customers enjoy playing the board game. They find it engaging and easy to learn, with simple rules and quick pacing. The game offers a good mix of strategy and luck, with interesting ways to win. Many appreciate the game size, art quality, and replayability. However, some customers have differing opinions on the gameplay.

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A quick rundown of this product’s key features:

FAN FAVORITE: Fast paced game of dice-chucking luck and strategic choices where every player’s turn is exciting!
FAN FAVORITE: Fast paced game of dice-chucking luck and strategic choices where every player’s turn is exciting!
COMMAND A SPACE FLEET: Consider the odds while rolling dice to see which of your ships activate. Build an engine to generate space bucks and victory points.
SCI-FI LOVERS UNITE: Compete against your fellow space Commodores to gain influence and be promoted to Admiral of the Fleet!
GAME NIGHT ESSENTIAL: You can just start playing and teach everyone the rules in a round or two, up to 5 players in 1.5 hours.
FROM DESIGNER JOHN D CLAIR: Acclaimed designer of Cubitos, Mystic Vale & Ready Set Bet.

Our Top Reviews

Reviewer: Johnathan
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Keeps ALL players engaged during everyone’s turn
Review: This fast and easy resource management game has a unique feature: when other players are rolling for their resources YOU can get resources as well. You have ships on 12 sectors. On your turn you roll to see which sectors give you resources. When you buy ships you deploy them to a specified sector and move that ship to the top of your board. On OTHER players’ turns you get resources from the ships at the top of your board. This keeps every player engaged during the entire run of the game. 2-5 players, but there’s an expansion for up to 7.

Reviewer: Sávio Abi-Zaid
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Absolutely wonderful light game
Review: Easy to learn and teach, and delivers lots of fun. High value, and lost of plays ahead.

Reviewer: chris.bc.smith
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very enjoyable and easy to learn.
Review: Spacebase was a breeze to learn the core concept of the game and play style. The more you play the better the strategy becomes with how you buy and upgrade your spaces. This game is great with 2 (about 30 minutes to play) and works up to 5 without getting overly long in the play time. Essentially, players roll dice, use either the individual dice numbers or the sum of the dice to get money, income, victory points. Players use money to buy upgraded cards for dice slots on their board, previous cards get flipped to gain rewards on other players turns. First player to 40 victory points triggers the end of the game, game ends with the player that goes last in turn order. Overall a really enjoyable game that is not too heavy on strategy to intimidate new to board game players.

Reviewer: Eyal Kaduri
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A Great Light Engine building game for everyone
Review: Almost everything is great in this game. Almost zero downtime for any player , colorful and easy to learnThere is some need for better clarity around some card abilities esp. around ability charging and time for activation – but overall self explanatory…Highly reccomnded for ages 10 and up.

Reviewer: Mathew
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Simple to learn, easy to play, fun every time
Review: Play this mostly 2 players. My wife and I can’t stop playing it. It is full of interesting choices. Recently bought the Genesis expansion because we love the game so much.

Reviewer: N. Beitler
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fun, fast, easy-to-learn game that the whole family can enjoy!
Review: I picked up this game based on recommendations from some gaming podcasts. I had heard it compared to Machi Koro (in terms of gameplay). Although that is s popular game, I’ve never played it so I can’t really speak on the accuracy of that comparison. What I can say is that I have really enjoyed playing this game. I have played it seven times, now, and have enjoyed every play of it. I’ve played it with both friends and family members and everyone else has liked it, too – even my wife who was really apprehensive about playing it based on the theme.Speaking of theme, the theme of this game is very light and has nothing, really, to do with the game play of the game, so if you, like my wife, see all of these rainbow-colored spaceships and cartoony-looking illustrations, don’t let it put you off.Game play if pretty quick, regardless of the number of people playing. This is the case because everyone can be doing things and scoring points on everyone else’s turn. The game is essentially a card-based engine-building game. For anyone not familiar with the term “engine building,” that means that you are using cards that correspond to dice rolls to score points. By adding to your sets of cards or modifying your cards, you increase your opportunities to score points and start scoring higher amounts of points later in the game. The first person to 40 points wins.I have not, yet, picked up any of the expansions to this game, but I may do so. I think the game is very good, as is, but may get an expansion just to add more players and cards to the game.

Reviewer: Shmuel K
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fun even when not your turn
Review: This is a very fun game that has a unique feature that players advance on their opponents turns too! This makes it less boring waiting your turn!

Reviewer: Rich Buchanan
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great gateway game
Review: My wife and I have recently taken the plunge into board gaming. I kept seeing this game listed as a good gateway game so we gave it a shot. Really glad that we did. This game is really nice because it keeps you engaged even when it’s not your turn. If you are looking to move past the classic board games and begin a journey into high quality board games this would be a smart choice.

Reviewer: Mr J Scott
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Reminds me of Machi Koro and other solid resource collection game. I’ll definitely be looking into some expansions for this as it’s super fun and quick to learn.

Reviewer: Roberto S.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Lo que más me gusta de este juego es que el tiro de dados de un jugador influye tanto para él como para los demás, lo que hace dinámico el juego.-La diversidad de cartas y efectos añade rejugabilidad y hace que cada partida sea diferente-Es vistoso en mesa-El inglés que viene en las cartas es básico (solo algunas tienen texto), el manual parece muy extenso pero te recomiendo mejor busques videos en español de como jugarloEl único detalle que le he visto es que, siendo fiel al modo como recomienda el manual iniciar (también te proponen un modo que es más rápido pero aún no lo pruebo) la partida tarda en empezar, los primeros turnos se sienten lentos, después hay un punto en el que la partida despega pero muy rápido y se siente que ya no te alcanza el tiempo al final, de todas formas es un gran juego y ya estoy pensando en comprar las expansiones

Reviewer: Dr. Wasabi
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ich habe Space Base auf Empfehlung eines Youtubekanals gekauft und mein Lebensgefährte und ich haben es seitdem über 10 x gespielt. Es macht immernoch viel Spaß, da jeder in der eigenen und gegebenenfalls in der Runde der Mitspieler ebenfalls aktiv werden kann. Man sitzt also nie rum und wartet nur darauf, dass man selber am Zug ist. Es gibt diverse Gewinnstrategien, die man ausprobieren kann, so dass man nicht immer nur den Weg A gehen muss. Ich kann dieses Spiel nur empfehlen. Ob für zwei oder mehr Spieler, ganz egal. Die Runden dauern auch nicht lange (maximal 1 – 1/2 Stunden mit dem Mindestmaß an Siegpunkten), man kann sie auch verlängern (z. B. durch Anheben der benötigten Siegpunkte auf das 1,5 oder 2-fache). ☆☆☆☆☆

Reviewer: Ferran Ruiz Carrera
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Uno de mis juegos favoritos, lo jugué con unos amigos un par de veces y me decidí a comprarlo. Para 5 jugadores, un juego dinámico en el que no te aburres entre turnos. La única pega es que los dados adicionales para que cada jugador tenga los suyos propios vienen en una expansión.

Reviewer: ed
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Vendita e spedizione perfetta, gioco divertente ma lungo e diverso dalla aspettative.Dico così perchè mi aspettavo un Machi Koro più “serio” ed invece qualcosa di diverso c’è, oltre al fatto che la partita viene lunga: eravamo in 6 ed è durata qualcosa come 2h se non erro e ok era la nostra prima, quindi siamo stati lenti e quant’altro ma non c’è stato, almeno per noi, un ritmo che tenesse tutti sull’attenti. Questa forse la pecca, poca interazione diretta, poca sfida offensiva. Ma il gioco rimane gradevole, leggero e di facile apprensione anche nelle regole più complicate.Insomma, gioco carino ma non mi ha ispirato poi troppo. Se dovessi consigliare ad un pubblico medio, generale, o casual un gioco con tiro di dadi opterei più per Machi Koro (con espansione, senza perde tantissimo), che è similare nella meccanica ma più coinvolgente per tutti, anche se appunto meno serio, meno profondo.

Price effective as of Feb 12, 2025 23:18:33 UTC

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